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Go Kan Ryu Karate Do


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No contact , how can you learn proper timing, distance technique without contact. Or do you mean light contact not power

"If you don't want to get hit while sparring , join the cardio class"

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no contact at all. unless you are told spesificaly by the sensie contact at.....% meaning if your told no contact you do no contact. only a few r chosen to use contact when sensi feels you are ready then you sparr against him. if you win you sparr with blue and above, you loose you go back to no contact for 4 weeks then he tests you again. i was lucky to pass the first time and im only yello tip. i was a boxer first so i was sparring at white belt. (illigaly)

watch out for that bus, what bus? splat!

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I was wondering about the contact a little as well. I feel that contact is necessary at some point near the 2nd or 3rd kyu rank tested for. That's my standard. Actually we start controlled contact right away after learning the initial techniques well, with upper ranks paired with lower ranks. The upper ranks usually catch the worst end of the deal by far.

A block is a strike is a lock is a throw.

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  • 2 months later...

I trained with GKR for 2 years - if it wasn't for the marketting bullshit and the brainwashing it would otherwise have been an alright style


but none of the other martial arts i did during that time ever pushed so hard on money orientated stuff, so it bothered me to the point where I left.


I mean this as no offence to you - you like what you like, enjoy what you do etc which is good i'm just explaining my experience with GKR.


the sparring done in 'lower' classes in GKR is a bit of a joke, get into some more advanced classes ( i know some regions do this) and you get some actual contact. Also my advice to you is to start sparring the black belts as soon as possible.


Also don't listen to that crap about block then strike. Parry and strike at the same time or you're fist fodder

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