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Considering a Diet Change


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I am a vegan, meaning that I don't eat dairy products or eggs. The reason for this is that I do not trust the sources of these foods and the methods of how they are obtained.


Recently, I started researching nutrition again, and I have come across the eating principles of the Tibetan lamas. The lamas will consume butter, and raw or medium boiled egg yolks (Also the whites if they did manual labor during the day) daily. They say that these foods aid the functions of the brain and provide essentials for the body.


Does anyone have a clue if it would be wise for me to find a natural and healthy source of these foods or if I can acquire the essentials offered by other means?

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The only reason that you want to change your diet is because of what the Tibetan Lamas said and not because of the tons of research that actual scientists have done saying that protien is needed if you want to build muscle. :-? Yes, I don't trust how food is processed either (even though I buy it straight from the grocery store). But if your really concerned about it then look for all organic food. The only problem I find with organic food is that it can cost almost double of regular food.
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As a vegan myself, I have found that I can get adequate amounts of protein in my diet by eating a variety of grains, legumes, and soy products. There are a lot more vegan alternatives out there than there were a few years ago so the choices are getting better. I will say though that while not vegan, egg whites are a very good source of protein and can be obtained from fairly reputable sources if desired. If you are vegan for ethical reasons though eggs would never be acceptable. If you are worried about your protein intake try soy protein mixes such as spirutein. I enjoy my diet and have had no training difficulties from it-other than needing to eat more.



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Protein is not my problem here. I was concerned with such things as essential fatty acids, HDL Cholesterol, and saturated fats, which I am unsure as to whether I am getting enough of or not.
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A good place for info on vegan nutrition. I agree, the right kinds of fats can be hard to get. I try to include nuts, seeds, olive oils, and nut milks in my diet to get enough. Flax seed oil is a great way to get omegas and can be mixed into lots of stuff including shakes and smoothies. Good luck!



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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We keep our own hens for eggs. We know what they are eating and know they are being well cared for so I've no problems with eating their eggs. If you want to eat eggs find some hens you can get to know personally, I try not to eat any others now.
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Thank you for the site ninjanurse! Also a great idea that never crossed my mind, Gloi. There are one or two small farms that I know of that are only a few miles away. I think I'll drop by and ask about their hens.
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