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I was wondering, who would you guys most like to meet from the martial arts ?


It might be a Master who has now passed away or a current living legend or just someone you have always admired.


For me, I've always wanted to meet Mas Oyama, Unfortunately now I won't get the chance.Another person I would love to of met is Gichin Funakoshi.Bruce Lee is another on my list.


What about you?

Never give in

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Master Tatsuo Shimabuku - founder of IsshinRyu


Angi Uezu - his number 1 student. Actually I met him as a yellow belt and had my belt signed by him, but I'd like to meet him again now that I can really appreciate the experience


Anko Itosu - had a hand in the creation of the Pinan Katas. Had a LETHAL two toe kick!




Casey Marks - awesome with the bo. I'll meet her soon enough as she will be my competition


Bill "Superfoot" Wallace and Steve "Nasty" Anderson --- a lot to be learned from these "old school" competitors

KarateForums.com Sempai
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I would say the same as you Gino, Oyama, Funakoshi and Lee.


But also i would like to meet and train with some of the top ufc, pride fighters including Ken Shammrock.


And Jackie Chan because he could teach me alot about stunts and onscreen martial arts performances...

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It would have been Great to speak to and train under Gichin Funakoshi. I do plan on doing so under Kenneth Funakoshi in the next year or so. I would also like to see several of the higer ranked Shotoakn guys Ozakka, Tanakka, Rey Dalkie, etc...

(General George S. Patton Jr.) "It's the unconquerable soul of man, and not the nature of the weapon he uses, that ensures victory."

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Some interesting responses.


Bruce Lee is someone I'm particularly interested in at the moment.I know some people probably won't like this but I've never been much of a fan of Bruce Lee.


I do respect him, as a person I think he acheived quite alot and did some good things but as a Martial Artist does he really deserve this god like respect he has from some people?.....sometimes I do wonder.


Maybe I feel like this because I've always trained in a Japanese style of Karate, I was quite young when I started Karate and although I watched Bruce Lee films like everyone else it didn't seem to have the same impact on me, I think mainly because alot of it was so different to what I was being taught in my dojo.I'm not knocking him but I would of loved to of met him and maybe had a chat and trained under him and so on, to get a better idea of what he was all about.


Meeting Master Itosu would of been a very cool experiance considering his influence on G. Funakosh and Y. Funakoshi I bet he was one serious dude. :karate:

Never give in

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I'd like to meet Jackie Chan!


Also, any legitimate martial arts master who is willing to take me under his wing for--oh, say 10 years--and train me to be a great martial arts master. Wushu, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido...I'd love to live my life doing that. :)

1st dan & Asst. Instructor TKD 2000-2003

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Anoyda, (SP?) one of the guys I train with got graded to his 3rd dan by Anoyda Sensei and said he was "a bit good". Dave Hazard sounds like someone to meet aswell.
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A small Okinawan gentleman that passed away in 1980 I think. Most of you haven't even heard of him I suppose, but he was one of the BEST!


OSensei Hohan Soken



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