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Christianity and the whole "ki" issue

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Hm.. to explain Ki...


It's like the force in Star Wars. It's just an energy that floats around in the Universe and those few Jedi can tap into it and manipulate it. Some people think it's a force that links the universe together and something we share with everyone, just few people are aware of it. In fact, I think a lot of people even believe that Ki is the force of life(your spirit, you could say). As it is viewed in Eastern culture, it has no connection to a supreme being, it is something that channels through you from the universe, or it is harnessed from within.


Sure, you can say God gave us souls that hold that energy and he intended for us to tap into that. That's peachy. Maybe that's what Christ used to turn water into wine :)


I've got to ask my Sensei to teach me to move stuff without touching it, and to get drunk off of a water fountain! ;) :P

"A life is not important, except in the impact it has on other lives."

-- Jackie Robinson

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

-- Edmund Burke

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and to get drunk off of a water fountain!



Don't laugh too hard. You actually can get drunk off a water fountain. You can also die from it.


As to the discussions on ki, the biggest problem is ignorance. Many things are considered taboo for Christians, merely because ignorance breeds fear, which encourages hostility. Christianity, unfortunately, fosters a mentality of judgement before knowledge. Therefore, rather than looking into things, they are burned at the stake. Such is the case with ki.


My recommendation, as always, is to learn and understand first. Have a basis of understanding before judging.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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If we take the interpretation of Dr.Yang Jwing-Ming (he has done extensive study about it) that chi is basically the bioelectricity in our body, I think that learing how to focus that energy for its use in MA application is not in conflict with christianity.

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Just wondering, as a Christian myself I do not have conflicting emotions about my study of martial arts. To me, it is a system of self-discipline, exercise, self-defense, and celebration of the engineering behind the human body. However, I begin to feel somewhat conflicted about the whole issue behind spirituality found in the martial arts, and the use and development of "ki". Granted I am not very well educated on the subject, I was just curious how other Christians felt or how they feel about the "religion" of martial arts.

Interesting topic...but i don't see how you see the conflict with the spiritual aspect of the martial arts with other Religions.


Yes, i'm Christian.....but training MA for me it's something like viewing a religion from another side.......the concepts are almost the same.


My knownledge of Christianity is not that deep in particulars...but studing other spiritual phylosophies help me to understand more my religion. Where's the conflict? :)

"With a bit of imagination, kata can be deadly." - Hidy Ochiai

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, i know what you mean. My mother thought i was putting too much time into my martial arts studies instead of god. She thought i was going to convert my religion. But i kept telling her she was wrong, and i wouldn't do somehting like that. I love my martial arts however, i love god more. I mean he is my number 1 thing. Nothing else comes before him.

Hurt rather than injure,

Injure rather than maim,

Maim rather than kill,

kill rather than be killed...

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Here's something you can think about, Karategurl..


There's really no way you can spend more time on an activity, and less time on God. Your hobbies, talents, etc. are not separate from God, unless they are sinful. Since sin is the only thing that can separate you from God.


Do you believe practicing martial arts to be a sin? Does your mother? There's a great article (and discussion afterwards) that tackles this question in the Articles section of the forum. Read that and make up your mind and see if it correlates with the Bible.


God uses your surroundings to shape you. Maybe God wants you to do martial arts so that you will build confidence, or simply learn how to defend yourself, because that need may arise. God doesn't always directly affect you, he specifically gave you your parents and your friends to help shape you into the person that he would like you to become.


In a nutshell, God works through other people, events, circumstanes to teach you lessons, help you get through something and help build your faith.


Praying and going to church isn't the only time you're spending with God. If you help someone out with their Alg. 2 homework, you're pleasing God. If you're simply outside and enjoying nature, his creation, you're pleasing God. If you think taking martial arts is a good tool to develop yourself, make yourself healthy, and (God forbid) help you defend yourself against an attacker, so that you can continue to carry the personal plan that he has for you (whatever that may be), then good for you!


Now that I think I've made my point quite clear as to how activities and spending time with God kind of go hand in hand, I'd like to make one more point...


It all depends on your mindset. If you believe what you are doing is God's will and you strive to do God's will, then it's good. Once you start doing it for selfish reasons, then you're in trouble.


You should read John, he talks a Lot about this sort of thing.


Hope that helps. And I really need to make an outline before I write posts, they're just not concise at all.


Oh yes, and lastly, first and foremost, "Honor thy Father and thy Mother" :)

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Sir Winston Churchill

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I think a big problem is the common image of ki. I've experimented with ki myself...unbendable arm, etc. It's just focusing mentally to be able to do incredible things physically.


Unfortunately, the media tends to portray ki as this mysterious magical force that can create fireballs and kill a running yak from 300 yards away.


The unbendable arm is bendable.....


I bended many that say that did this.


It is NOT KI.


And in your words,


It's just focusing mentally to be able to do incredible things physically.


Hence the key word for Chi/Ki....focus.....mental psyche out


Another name Psyche (sike)

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Christianity, unfortunately, fosters a mentality of judgement before knowledge.


Judgement is a human condition that is fostered by most activities.


Do you believe your MA style is superior to any other? Do you believe a banker is morally superior to a bank robber?


The truth is that knowledge is the actual cause of judgement. Forget all you know and perhaps truth will show itself.

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Judgement is a human condition that is fostered by most activities.

Although i agree on principle, i wouldn't necessarily call it a condition, as much as it is a choice that is often defined by lifestyle and culture.

Do you believe your MA style is superior to any other?

Is an object better than another object? A concept better than another? Only by application is one thing more valuable than another, but superior in a general sense... no. Steel is a far superior material for building bridges than say, water, but water is far superior for quenching thirst.

Do you believe a banker is morally superior to a bank robber?

Societies define right and wrong, based on the basic needs of subsistence, shelter, and security in a 'communal' environment. A bank robber would be considered a disruption to this community's cooperative endeavors, so his actions would be deemed wrong. But right and wrong cannot readily be defined as superior or inferior, except when comparing the effectiveness of one or another to accomplish a goal.

The truth is that knowledge is the actual cause of judgement. Forget all you know and perhaps truth will show itself.

Cute, but i see this as more of a fortune cookie statement than anything else. Truth is not the actual cause of judgement. Saying so... does not make it so.


As to forgetting all you know... does truth come in the form of a Mack truck because you forgot to stop at a red light? :brow:

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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