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Matrix Revolutions

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Just saw it yesterday. Have to say, I was disappointed. The ending was a big letdown. Action was good, effects were great, it just wasn't very strong on explanation. Left it open for the inevitable sequel.


2 stars out of four.


My advice? Go to a matinee. It's cheaper. This one is least of the three.

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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The movie was 130 minutes long yet it felt like 60 minutes. Some things were explained, and some things I'm left confused. It just didn't seem like it was well thought out. It was, dare I say it, Lucas-Style (a movie wrote over a weekend).


MATRIX: Awesome movie, left you hanging in a positive way. Good plot and wicked action. A good balance.


MATRIX RELOADED: It couldn't surpass the first, but that's the way sequels go. Too much fighting and not enough plot, but it was still good enough to get away with it.


MATRIX REVOLUTIONS: Too much Drama, felt rushed. Opinion is unsure at this point. The guns were kickass.


I think I have to see it again to make my judgement on this one. I'm still marinating on the story and I don't know what to think about it.

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personally, i thought the first 40 minutes or so were very good, i was very pleased. i think at that point i said "hey, i guess the critics are wrong, i'm liking this!". then the next hour or so was pretty dull; the whole mech thing just isn't for me. big sweaty men screaming for quite some time. that final fight (no, these aren't spoilers, they're in the commercials) started out cool, but they some how managed to botch it horribly :roll: i was really expecting a lot more. i was really hoping that reloaded was just a "bridge" movie and that revolutions would not only be super good, but bring reloaded up a few notches and tie everything together. oh, and someone might consider this a spoiler, but,


for all of the bravado the twins were given, i was a bit annoyed by the fact that they didn't even show up in this one.

"I hear you can kill 200 men and play a mean six string at the same time..."-Six String Samurai

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i saw it last night, despite many of my freinds telling me it was terrible.


i have to say, i liked it.... alot.


i thought the end was perfect for the series. sure it left some questions, but thats what the series was all about. thats what made it so cool, it was an awesome action movie that made you think.


the final fight scene was extremely remeniscnet of dragon ball Z. but it was still pretty neat. ill give it an 8/10. maybe 8.5

If in your journey you encounter God, God will be cut

~Hatori Hanso (sonny chiba)

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Good and bad


Good: some pretty cool fight scenes, specially at the start... the two before it were ace, so the graphics and mechs thing didnt seem too bad - knowing the background and storyline to go with it.


Bad: rushed... very rushed - i expected more. and the final fight scene... too many special effects and graphics... the thing about the first matrix,it was low budget and there was more effort in storyline and realistic fighting (to a certain degree :P) I'd never have thought after watching the first matrix that it would end A) the way it did and B) that they'd be flying around etc


I think some of those deep meaningful parts werent explained... it could have been so much more.

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I didn't see it...yet... But here in Portugal everybody says that it isn't very good... that it's worst than the second... and I didn't enjoyed Matrix Reloaded- the fight scenes were to long and some were to slow.... And some friends already said that the end of Matrix Revolutions it isn't very good... well let's see!!!!

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I just got back from seeing it. Remember a while back when we where discussing whether or not Neo could do Martial Arts in Real life? Well, if the first fight with Neo and the guy with Smith in his head was any clue, then the answer is a resounding NO!


So for the movie itself, well... maybe you’d like it if your idea of a good movie is an explosion and a shower scene. In which case, it had enough for the first to make up for lack of the second. It was WAY to rushed, it would have been better to take 90% of the zoin out of Reloaded, and tack on Revolotions to the end.

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