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WORST INJURIES EVER! we want to know!


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This summer I kicked a tree, and got my toe injured. I don´t think it was broken so I didn´t go to see a doctor. Now it hurts sometimes, and I don´t think the pain will ever go away. To get it even worse I acidentaly kicked a chair, and the same thing happened to the other toe. I don´t know if I should laugh or cry! :P :bawling:
Shukokai Karate, Orange belt ( 7. kyu)
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The Third lesson I had in Hap Ki Do, someone in the room before had spilt some water on the floor. I didnt see it. I put down my bag down, took my shirt and jeans off then put on my Dobok...


... Lifted my leg to take my socks off, put my foot back down and BAM! dislocated my thumb on the bench as i went down! Really went right back as i tried to balence myself.


Ironically that lesson was all about breakfalls :o

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Spear wound in lower left abdomen.


Machete wound on right shin.


Four severed tendons on right hand from sword wound.


Knife wound on right top forearm.


Broken noses.


Bruised bones on right foot.


Various spranged fingers and toes.


Blood blisters galore.


Wound from coconut.(strange story)


Aside from bruises and cuts and bangs and aches that's about the gist of my injuries. Most are training related.

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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I've sprained my ankle twice in the dojang


about 12 years ago, when I used to show horses I shattered my talus bone in my ankle. I was in a jump course and when me and my horse took a large jump, he bucked mid-air and I got thrown off. I thought I was okay, nothing hurt yet until I tried to get up. Then the pain kicked in. I WISH I knew how to do a cat breakfall then. Might have saved my ankle.


I was in a cast for 6 months, though I was walking unsupported after 2 months. Yet I still used the crutch cause I had to be nice and let things heal properly. I had my talus bone reconstructed and had pins put in. Over the next 2 years I had to go through 2 more reconstruction surgeries after that and then one more to take the pins out. It was a pain in the *. But I delt with it. Once that cast came off I was riding again.


Now I'm 25 and I still have to be careful with it when I land or do certain moves. It is weaker than the other one and I am scared of breaking it again. I hate to hear the words "You can't do martial arts anymore". I have to wear ankle braces to keep the joints warm when I exercise. That way the joints are less likely to be injured.

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Broken wrist in sparring. I wish there was a dramatic story to go along with it, but dammit i slipped and fell. :lol: Trying to do a real quick right leg round kick and my leg must've been moving a bit to quick for my body and i went down on my wrist. First broken bone ever ( I'm 38 ) and hopefully the last. It still bothers me almost a year and half later.
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Let's just say that this coconut and I somehow got engaged in mortal combat. I ended up with a chunk of flesh missing from my right middle and ring knuckle and the coconut ended up in about nine pieces.


The moral: you really need to beware of shaved coconuts issuing challenges. Who knew they could talk?

"I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." Einstein

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