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Cash, Cash and Cash...

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Realising TKD is somewhat expensive conpared to most of the other arts, especially with many mcdojo's adding to the statistics of "TKD = Expensive!" i was wondering a few things from those TKDists out there :) After all, a lot of students dont realise all the prices that can be involved with the art!


A) how much do you pay monthly/per session?


B) how much do you pay for advancing to new belts?


C)Cost of 1stDan and above?


(No idea where to put this, so as its TKD based, i stuck it in here :roll: )

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A) how much do you pay monthly/per session?


The TKD school I just signed on with is $30.00/mo. 2 classes/wk. and they work other skills as well.


B) how much do you pay for advancing to new belts?


Nothing. Testing, certificate, and the belt are covered in the monthly fee.


C)Cost of 1stDan and above?


I just went to a black belt test. A friend was testing in their system. The cost was the same- nothing. But they also do Modern Arnis, and if you want to go for advanced rank in that system it can get a little expensive. You not only have to pay for the test, you have to attend seminars to even qualify. But you can just learn it and not test. They don't test for the aiki and grappling, except where it occurs in the regular TKD (non traditional, obviously) test.


In close fighting, grappling skills, flow (from the Arnis), and reasonable rates. I have to ask myself, is this really TKD? :-?

Freedom isn't free!

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:kaioken: WARNING! :kaioken:


I figure I am paying for what I get out of something so if I am not getting what I want...I go somewhere else to play. Cost is relative to value. If you look at a Mcdonalds restaurant, you get a lot of food for a little money...a good value right? But....what is that crap you are eating!!!!???


" Mcdojos" come in all flavors, not just TKD. And not all TKD schools are Mc dojos. We need to stop placing labels on styles and start looking at what they have to offer each one of us. Some of us are ok with having clogged arteries and hypertension at the age of 50 and some of us would rather live long and healthy lives. Look at what you are getting for your money, not at how much money you are spending. I do not regret one cent that I have paid for martial arts training for myself or my family because I knew what I was getting and what we recieved was worth alot more than what we paid...many times over. We have also had the experience of taking martial arts for several years from a dojo that didn't charge money. What we received in the end cost us a lot more than any amount of money you could ever imagine...a truly devastating experience both mentally and spiritually.


Ok...I got that out of my system now....I'll be fine now.. :)



"A Black Belt is only the beginning."

Heidi-A student of the arts

Tae Kwon Do,Shotokan,Ju Jitsu,Modern Arnis


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Sometimes price does reflect the quality or value of instruction.


I've seen schools charge 20 bucks (canadian) a month. Usually a community centre, with no structure and with crappy instructors...I've seen a school charge 180 dollars a month, unless you signed a contract which would then cost you only 85 bucks a month.


As for my black-belt testing fee, I paid 1000 canadian for my first dan.. HElla expensive, but then again I never had to pay for the underbelt testing fees. I have the upmost respect and confidence in my master's skill. Unfortunately, I havne't been able to afford another 1000 to test for the next dan. I've been stuck in first dan forever.:cry:



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The local TKD club charges something in the range of 65$ to $165 a month. I run a shotokan dojo and we charge $20 a month, $30 for gradings (with belt) and have sems with different sensei often. We also limit each class to 25 students to maintain a higher level of training. We don't advertise either. Edited by Sho-ju
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Well first off I would like to say as one of the few and or only americans posting so far in this topic that you are all talking different dollar amounts so far so how can you tell what you are really paying? Australian, English, Canadian, American.


At my school you pay between 86 and 100 dollars or so depending on your plan and how you pay. MIne is 86 a month for unlimited lessons. Thats on a 1 year contract. Tests were 30 to start. Advanced belt tests were 65. Shodan Ho is 165 havent taken that one yet. First dan is either 165 or 250. This is alot but I've heard of schools charging alot more. Also as far as the rate for lessons go you have to look at where you live. Rates in downtown NYC are going to be vastly higher than in Rural Iowa.


I would also like to add that gouging is by no means exclusive to TKD. There is an Okinawan karate place in upstate NY that charges like 180 a month which is way outta line for that area but as they are one of the few schools around there they can get away with it.

Long Live the Fighters!

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I know mcdojo's arent just with TKD. They're almost everywhere to some degree, but I've noticed, not just heard and read what other people have said, that there are a quite a few mcdojo's in TKD. I was asking because i wanted to see exactly how far prices went and if you were happy with them.


£5 per session at my old TKD school


£30 (+5 for each belt afterwards, not including white belt :P)


£300 for your BB


Personally i find this ridiculously expensive considering there are four -12's, three 12-16's and five 18+ ... The instructor was a great instructor but there was simply too much variety in the class.


I love TKD, dont get me wrong, and i'm hoping to find somewhere which i can focus more and is hopefully a little less expensive. If not i'll have to look for another art which interests me... and i cant really say there is one atm. ahhh, if only i had more money =\

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