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I saw this trailer for a new adaptation of James Clavell's Shogun a few weeks ago:

And there was a REALLY positive review in the Post too:


It premiered earlier this week. I haven't watched it yet, but I am really excited to see it. I loved this book when I read it years ago, it is what turned me on to historical fiction in the first place. Even now, I can't keep the Shogun characters straight from the actual historical Japanese figures...

Have anyone watched this?

“Studying karate nowadays is like walking in the dark without a lantern.” Chojun Miyagi (attributed)



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I've watched episodes 1 and 2 when Shogun premiered on FX on February 27th.

Seems it's staying close to the original mini-series story however with their own interpretations of how they want to tell their version. Things are changed and things are left out from the original Shogun for their own reasons.

One thing I noticed was whenever the Japanese are talking to one another, they talk in English, but whenever the Japanese are talking to Blackthorne or the like, they spoke in Japanese.

In short, it was pretty good so far, and I'll be watching it on FX every Tuesday.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I've read the original book, and I saw the mini-series many moons ago. In short, I'm liking it quite a bit. I noticed that they didn't tone down the language at all. I'm looking forward to the remaining episodes.

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I've read the original book, and I saw the mini-series many moons ago. In short, I'm liking it quite a bit. I noticed that they didn't tone down the language at all. I'm looking forward to the remaining episodes.

Not only do they not tone down the language, but they also don't tone down the nudity either. It was surprising to me seeing that it's on FX. Remaining episodes should be wonderful.

Brian and DP might have a better enjoyment while watching this Shogun version having not ever seen the mini-series with no misconceiving's as they won't be noticing the many things that aren't seen in this Shogun version but were apparent in the original mini-series.

I saw the mini-series before I read the Shogun book, which I enjoyed. As always, no matter how well the movie is done, the movie can't put everything from the book because if so, the movie would be very long.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I have seen the first series (I have it on DVD) and it is awesome.

This new series looks amazing (though I have only watched the trailers and episode 1).

I have not read the book, but I am a big fan of samurai history, especially during the Sengoku Jidai era, and have read and studied many historical books on that period. Though this show is historical fiction, it is modeled very well after the real historical period.

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Godan in Ryukyu Kempo

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Episode 3 was very good. What happens at the very end was absolutely not in the mini-series, even though I got a laugh from it. I'm admittingly noticing all of the changes made in this Shogun version from the mini-series but even though I'm loving the new Shogun,

I'm getting lost in the changes between the two versions where I find myself being critical instead of just enjoying the new version. I hate that about myself. I do the same thing with any MA movie, I don't watch to enjoy the MA movie, I watch the MA movie as a CI doing a Testing Cycle.

Can't wait to see episode 4 next week.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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While watching the next to last of the 2024 Shogun, we both were wondering if there was a second season in the works due to the current Shogun's pace. Sure, the 2024 Shogun has marched to its own tune in many ways, but will there be a second season?

Here's the answer...

"We took the story to the end of the book and put a period at the end of that sentence. We love how the book ends; it was one of the reasons why we both knew we wanted to do it — and we ended in exactly that place. And I’ve been party to this in the past with shows like this, where you build a whole factory, and it only pumps out 10 cars and closes up shop. It’s a bummer. You know, one of our producers wrote a nearly 900-page instruction manual for how we do this show — almost as long as the book Shogun itself. All of this infrastructural knowledge went into it. I just hope someone else — maybe a friend — needs a production primer on feudal Japan at some point, so I can be like, 'Here you go, use this book. That will save you 11 months." ~ Series co-creators Justin Marks and Rachel Kondo.

The unfortunate thing is that there will be no season 2. The show was marketed as a mini-series and as what the co-creators have hinted above, 2024 Shogun, is a one-and-done season.

Finale will air on April 23rd.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Have watched it up to last weeks episode and really enjoying it so far - they have done a great job with it i think.

The cast have been excellent - i particularly like Yabushige!

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