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Everything posted by A-Zo

  1. Back in my old playing days: Bench: 385 for 5 Squat: 750 for 1 Leg Press: 1200 for 5 Deadlift: 575 for 1 Military Press: 275 for 6 Power Clean: 255 for 8 Best Shape I was ever in, and I was 19 years old. Now I'm 23 and couldn't touch most of those. But, with some motivation and advice. I hope to get back to something similar, and something that will help me with MA. Bigger numbers are not always better.
  2. That is exactly right. It's always better to do your more technical workouts before you tear your muscles up lifting. The same goes for running. It's better to run first and then lift, or in this case train first and then lift. If you lift first, your muscles are already broken down, and you will not get much out of your secondary workout this way. And, as you said, injuries can happen this way as well.
  3. What type of cardio training do you do? My old program was this: 1 day per week - 10x 300 yard sprints 2 days per week - 16x 110 yard sprints 1 day per week - 2.5 mile run Other days - Eliptical, VersaClimber, Bike, or Treadmill for 20 minutes Now, I haven't done this type of workout routine in a long time, and it would take me a while to get back into something this intense. But, I was wondering how this stacks up to some of your workouts. I was training for football and I figure there are better routines out there for MA and MMA. As far as lifting, I should be ok in that area. I was a personal trainer for a while and can put together a fairly decent workout. Also, if you have any other tips, let me know. Thanks again everyone.
  4. I'm 6'6" as well, just starting or trying to start in MMA. I was wondering what your weight is at?
  5. So, is the idea of using rolling pins to deaden nerves in your shins a rumor? Does this actually help? When you say shin conditioning, what exactly do you mean; other than actual sparring and training. Is there anything you do specifically? Thanks.
  6. Hey everyone, my name is Alonzo. Just call me A-Zo for short. Anyway, I just found this forum and I liked what I saw and decided to join. I belong to a few others as well, but I like to get a well rounded opinion. I have a background in division 1A football as well as western style boxing. I've been obsessed with martial arts since I was younger, but have always stuck to football. I never really had any training. I am now done playing football and I work full-time, but there is one problem. I am very curious about competing in Mixed Martial Arts. I would love to take up Muay Thai, but I'm not sure where to go or how to go about it. I'm 6'6" and now weigh in at 315 lbs. My playing weight was 287 lbs. So, you can see I've put on some weight. I am not in the shape I want to be in right now, but I have a very strong work ethic and I know I could change things quickly. It's just hard for me to go about such things without knowing what I'm getting into. Does anyone have any advice for a beginner in my situation? Thanks for the help in advance.
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