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Everything posted by h.r.ford

  1. Just thought I'd let you guys know I passed my first test. I definitely had a brain fart or two as I messed up the first 2 steps of the worlds easiest Kata but I did it again just fine... Oh well onward and upward.
  2. I have a Celtic knot-work cormorant on my right ankle. I love it and it is in such a place that normally people don't see it but when I wear a skirt or dress, people look at me in surprise and go "You have a tattoo?!" in that weird sorta but you're so normal voice. I've been thinking about getting another but haven't come up with anything I like enough yet. I picked out my current tattoo and then made myself wait 2 years, figuring if I still liked it 2 years later I'd probably like it for life. So far it has worked.
  3. I've got a 9 year old cocker spaniel (Obby) who thinks he's still 2. A 10 year old 1/2 rottie 1/2 lab (Max) rescue who is my best bud. And we have a red beta named Charlie who is my 4 year old son's. http://farm1.static.flickr.com/105/269897390_f4226a6228_o.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1131/1127979873_f42ee08db5_o.jpg
  4. I'm currently a Legal Secretary. If I could do anything I would be a children and pet photographer. I do it on the side now but only for extra $ or for fun with friends.
  5. I've used Rosetta Stone for German and French. The Government uses it to teach their, diplomat's as well as the translator's. As a part of the military I get to use it free so I dabble all the time with different languages just for fun. I found it really helped my German while I was in Germany and while I"m still rubbish at speaking it I understand well over half of what I hear. If you put more time into it than I did I think you could really get far with the program.
  6. Well I've been at this karate lark for a little over a month. I absolutely love it and I practice like crazy. I've managed to prove I could take the test for yellow belt on 30 Nov. So I know that I know what I need to but I'm worried about stage fright. All the families there watching their kids and I gotta get up there. So what do you guys do to relax. My plan at the moment is to practice, practice, practice so my muscles know what to do even if my brain doesn't!
  7. Thanks guys it was fun. I started only 4 weeks ago. But I'm absolutely having a blast, sore muscles and all!
  8. Not only have I started Karate but my 4 year old does it also. Today the little dragons had their first tournament. These guys had to do one kata, and two "moves" and everyone got a trophy. So no real competition but good for them to get in front of people and build confidence. I was shocked at how well most of the kids did under pressure. The also did "board breaking" which was a re-breakable board but the kids had a blast. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2376/2040755188_76f0d6a7c0.jpg http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2347/2039956725_49578947c9.jpg I know some of you don't think kids should learn at this age. But if you ask them to show you what they should do if they are grabbed they know. And the most important thing is they are taught to scream bloody murder that they dont' know the person. And hey what kid doesn't need to learn a little respect and obedience.
  9. I'm Renee and I just joined a Kenpo/jui jitsu dojo about 4 weeks ago. My son (4 yrs old) had been going there a while. I'm in the process of losing 110 lbs, and I've lost 1/2 already. So getting down to a weight that I felt I could exercise in public lead me to MA. So far I love it. I go 3 nights a week and work out in my basement 2 other days. It is great fun and I even enjoy the sore muscles (am I normal?). So anyway I'm here just to read get others view points and the like.
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