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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    MMA/ CM Boxing
  • Location
    Downey, CA
  • Interests
    MArtial Arts

avxsk8erpunk's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. http://kalijkd.com/ i really want to train here but i am already practicing Kenpo Karate and dont want to quit, and it will be hard enough to tell my current instructor (if i do go) my mom is asking me about this but im not sure i think i should wait what do yu think? i have such an ambition to be the best and at my current dojo i feel bored and ready to move on because this is how classes are, 1 day forms, 1 day techniques, one day sets and it repeats i feel extrememly bored but dont want to quit i, i feel that if i join this school the bordness will leave and ill begin to like it again what do you think?
  2. Bruce Lee same for the obvious reasoons i like him because he was what every martial artist should strive for, and beyond, he was an incredible thinker and philosopher and I admire him for that
  3. can any one send me a link or give me a tutorial where i can learn the one inch punch? thankas alot
  4. think of it like this Bruce once wrote something like how martial arts is shattered due to the partiality of all Martial arts like judo only does throws, karate lacks ground work, etc,, so he believed that JKD was the totality of it all so MMA combines throws, kicks, groundwork, kicks, etc.. the only problem it it lacks the spiritual and philosophical aspects of traditional martial arts yet MMA doesnt really combine MA only fighters combine what they like, like Muay thai and BJJ, karate and Judo, But MMA is a sport not a true total martial art, although im pretty sure an MMA artist will be able to defend himself
  5. can any one give me any sort of information on Jeet kune do? how can i apply the concepts to Kenpo Karate? do you know any JKD dojos un So CaL? dont give me the obvios like Bruce Lee created it i know alot about it but only about like how its not a sytle, and more of Bruce's famous quotes
  6. any tips are appreciated im sort of new to sparring, but trust mei have been in fights before
  7. i dont feel that i simply want to ask him for advice and if it is wise because i would be training in two styles every week and im not asking for permission i want to ask him because i hav such respect for him he bonds with the class he is not too strict and not too linient he taught me so much and i always turn to him for advice
  8. green is my brothers favorite colors and his b-day is coming up so we were thinking of like getting his name on it and all that =] he said he wanted one
  9. do i have to custom order it? if so can u send me a link to where i can order it?
  10. alot of people practice meditating the chakras Naruto just copied it and made it seem fake do some info on chakras and you will understand ph by the way i liked ur signature =]
  11. explain it so a Seven year old can understand it =]
  12. what are some exercises to open you chakras? any other info on chakras would be helpful Thanks in advance
  13. First name Aaron God/Goddess type: God of Chaos Worshippers: Hackers They show devotion by: Eating Pork lol check this out! my full name! God/Goddess type: God of Destruction Worshippers: Just one, but he's Bill Gates! They show devotion by: Using your name to curse with
  14. God/Goddess type: God of Chaos Worshippers: Hackers They show devotion by: Eating Pork
  15. the only ninjitsu dojo in the world is in japan watch Human weapon on ninjutsu it explains
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