Right now I am doing an all bodyweight workout. I do upper body mon., wed., and fri. My routine is do the warm up and dvr (dynamic self resistance) work out found in "Pushing Yourself To Power" by John Peterson. Then I my ab routine which consists of 6 exercises for lower abs, 6 for obliques, and 6 for upper abs. Then I do set of furey (hindu) pushups to failure (went from 30 to 50 in a matter of a few weeks) then rest for 10 sec. and do another set to failure. I do that same thing for close grip chin ups and handstand shrugs. I rest for a while then do my upper body circuit training program. Which is ..... Exercise-reps jumprope-100 push ups-16 wide grip pullups-4 jumprope-50 explosive pushups-16 close grip pullups-8 jumprope-50 8 count burpees-10 close grip chinups-8 jumprope-50 diamond pushups-16 pullups-8 jumprope-50 tigerbend pushups-16 chinups-8 jumprope-50 atlas pushups-16 handstand shrugs-23 jumprope-50 superman pushups-16 widegrip pullups-2 jumprope-50 handstand pushups-6 pushups-16 jumprope-100 only rest is when I jumprope. Tuesdays, thursdays, and saturdays I do the tabata protocol with sprints. Right now I am 5' 10" 144 lbs. You guys are more experienced in heavy bag training then I am so I want some help with scheduling in heavy bag training. thanks a whole bunch for taking the time to read this and helping me out.