I was just wondering if the Northern Praying Mantis styles do chi sao and if so does it work anything like it does in Wing Chun. If so, how; If not, then how does it differ? Also would it be possible for someone in praying mantis to chi sao with a wing chun practitioner without too much problem? I'm specifically looking for at the Plum Blossom, Six Harmony (Liu He), and Seven Star. Also if anyone could give me some inside info on some of these differ, that'd be lovely. haha I realize this is a lot, but i'd be grateful for anyone with some info. I practiced Wing Chun in Chicago, but now that im at UIUC in champaign I dont have a wing chun club to train at. The only seemingly good school here for kung fu seems to be praying mantis. I ask because I still want to train and chi sao with my old crew and im hoping that praying mantis might give me some variety... even though my friends have a nasty habit of making fun of it.