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  • Martial Art(s)
    TKD MMA karate
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Tkd_MMA's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. i went in and got checked out it was what everyone said it was. thanks guys
  2. I started out with that problem but for some reason i don't hit myself when ever i make contact with somethen.
  3. hmm. well i have 3 days where i go to class each day is a 7 hour day. and i try to practise at least 3 hours a day. 5 hours if there is an upcomeing tournament.
  4. Yeah. I'm almost 100% sure my instructor didn't teach it to him. think it was one of his friends. Thanks for the info with the up coming event i won't try to step it up higher than i am. just practise the ones i need for my belt rank.
  5. Hmm.. i don't know why either. every belt test we are asked to present all the katas from white to the rank we are at now.But i have prevented myself for testing for black for some time now. For some reasons that probly won't make sence to alot of people
  6. Some of the local dojos around here get together and have little tournaments. so its open and i've seen a orange belt believe it or not do this kata at a compatition. I wasn't paying much attention to the scoreing. just somethen that i was thinking of.
  7. Lol i tend to be hot tempered sometimes i get a surprise rush that is hard to control. so i was speaking from experance. Sometimes tho clocking him in the head is a no no as well i seen a guy lose total control and grab a bo (thank god he was kicked out) so yeah depends on the person i guess
  8. I just scartered myself to thin. currently doing 5 styles of MA i just needed somethen to refresh my memory is all. lol the begginers class is full of 6 year olds i'd help teach the class (knows form the past) The link that was sent is an extremely good one and refreshed my memory just need to make them flow better now.
  9. There are two girls in my dojo where i study at. and one is awesome. And tells me not to hold back when ever we spar. I tend to be a head hunter but she is way to fast for a head shot to happen. So i go for side shots when ever possible but she notices when i see a open chest shot and not take it. (i tend to get yelled at for not taking a that shot by her) i so anymore i tend to take anyshot possible male or female. Now the other ladie is about 20 or my age. She tends (not sure if its intentional or not) but if i hit her in the chest. and go for a head kick she tends to hit alittle lower than the belt. once heard enouph to break my protector. So i can relate to spareing women are extremely tricky. and can hurt very much to. I do think your instructor over reacted and should have gotten both stores. then made her do push ups but thats just me.
  10. Not sure if delievering harder punches would be a good thing. Sometimes it just fuels the fire. I agree with most of the post and try to avoid his punches/kicks and work on your foot work on him. (also i've found most hot heads tend to leave their head open) just somethen to look for
  11. I've found that thinking my moves leaves me slower i may just be weird that way. But not thinking seems to help me the best lol.
  12. I'm just curious if a judges for TKD forums give better scoreing to someone lets say a blue belt for doing koryo which is more of an advanced kata or taegeuk8 opsoded to a blue belt doing taegeuk6. Just somethen i've been thinking about sence i've started marshal arts.
  13. I have a headache bag. and useing them does cause one heck of a headache. I'm not sure if there is a good way to practise with one of them. I've only used it 3-5 times sence i've owned it. its just making my work out room look full.
  14. Hmm this was touph as i have 2 sets of gear black and blue. depends mostly on my mood i'm in. voted black cause thats what i've been wearing to spar in the last few weeks.
  15. if you don't drain it at least put antifreeze in it. i know of a few people that do that.
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