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Xtreme Fury

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Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Some places teach nunchucks. You should probably expect the first few months to be very very dull...
  2. Hi I want to improve my muscle endurance and strength. Would it be better for me to weight train or do calithenics? thanks.
  3. I saw it. I thought it was okay, but I really don't like martial art movies. Hehe.
  4. Muay thai is one of the best fighting arts. So yes it will defintely help with self defense. And I think Vene is right, generally muay thai doesn't teach weapon defenses. But if you want to learn how to defend against weapons, you should do eskrima or something. I seriously doubt doing knife defenses a few times a month in some karate class is going to help. Doing an art that revolves around weapon fighting should, and even then it might not help much. Ya know.. thats why you don't make enemies.
  5. Yeah.. I don't think the average muay thai person will have any problems. It's like any other sport, once you get old you just aren't that great. But then do you really want to keep fighting until you're 60 or something? I dunno, but I would rather just golf and do some tai chi.
  6. There's a lot more men then women in martial arts and lot more men are in charge of the organization and stuff then women, at least I think. I would say in a the next few years, the ratio will start to even out. Anyway no matter what we would like to think lots of people are sexists. At my school there are guys that believe girls should stay home and do the dishes. To make it worse, it's always the cute guys that think this!!!! Dang it.. hehe. Hmm.. ya know I always wondered why they got rid of the Susan B. Anthony coin...Makes me mad.
  7. I think 40-60 dollars a month is a good price. 90-100 a month is okay if the studio is really good... like with two big rooms, an office, changing rooms, bathroom, good equipment... etc. Because those cost taxes. but you dont really need fancy equipment or anything...
  8. Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome.
  9. Ahh.. this is really boring.... *yawn* Lets stop arguing. I wish I had as much time on my hands as you guys do.
  10. How much time do you spend online, and what websites do you look at? I spend an average of one hour a day(longer on the weekends). I check this forum, another forum, my e-mail, and I go on instant messenger for a few minutes.
  11. My long term goal in martial arts(only) is to be the best I can. My short term goal is to get into the best shape of my life and start a sport-and actually get good at it instead of quitting!
  12. :::::Women may wear skirts with their high heels....::::::: Let me edit this little part.. hehehe.... Edited Version: Women may wear jeans with tennis shoes..... There we go. Generally women wear pants and tennis shoes, not skirts and high heels. That's just in the movies. Or maybe it's because I don't live in a big city... I don't know.. Unless it's for something special, like a concert or something, all the girls I know wear regular clothes. Oh yea I don't think taekwondo will help much. Unless the TKD guy knows the truth about high kicks: They just are't effective! Some taekwondoists think that their high kicks will work, which give them false confidence. So when they are attacked they might try to use high kicks, and they end up getting beaten. But if they know to use punches and simple kicks, yea I'd say taekwondo would help.
  13. I'm sure you know this but it depends what you want. I would do tai chi if I was ederly and wanted only health, because most tai chi places doesn't teach the combat side of it. I would do kickboxing if I wanted to learn how to fight and condition myself so I'm in really good shape. I don't know about karate though.
  14. Maybe they really can kill you with one touch, but monks are suppose to be nice aren't they? Anywho I would NOT want to fight a muay thai boxer!!!! Actually I would not want to fight anyone.
  15. Hmm yeah I asked this at another forum Tweedy, and they said that as long as you don't condition your shins by kicking bats or trees and you only condition them by kicking the heavy bag you will be perfectly fine. Still I'm doubtful you'll be able to do it once you're 50 because it's full contact fighting, at that time you could always start tai chi though.
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