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Everything posted by Shay415

  1. nothin wrong with triyn to gain knowledge, has nothing to do with lack of confidence.
  2. I've been training hard for this fight I'm having this saturday feb 15, and i need some tips for some good tactics in ring. It's full contact muay thai. This will be my first time in ring. So any tips would be great.
  3. Thx Again for the info kickchick. Peace.
  4. I might have weak ankles, but im a pretty big strong guy, i'm 5'10 160, i do alot of ankle stretches and i already wear those ankle wraps , but im going to do more, and should i go see a dr? and if i shuld, what type of doctor? because i am afraid maybe something more serious could be wrong, because i spar all the time too in muay thai. Anyway thx guys for the 411.
  5. For awhile know the area around my ankles always ache when I jump rope, and most the time in class, I have no clue why. Anyway got any ideas?
  6. I agree with the belt system, my muay thai team uses it, and at first I was reluctant about it, but when my teacher told me it's just to let everyone know what you have already learned, so they dont have to teach you things you already know, so if your white sash, they won't teach you things before that because you already learned them because you have the sash. YA KNOW!
  7. Im already quite muscular but my arms arent cut all the way unless i flex, i was wondering how i could help my arms be shaped and cut, same with abs, i have the muscle but the layer of lil fat on it. Any tips would help.
  8. Damn!, I would love to lose 10-15 in a few weeks, I don't think it's that easy, it would be cool if you guys could give me examples of how i should eat daily, and what diet site?
  9. I do that at my muay thai gym all the time. Shiet. My Fellow fighters there fight like their from prison
  10. Great Info! Grindin
  11. Hey guys, I've just started muay thai again for a month, i already took muay thai for a year before, but took a year break of almost no exercise and gained 10-15 pounds, I've been going to classes everyday, and I run occasionally around 3 times a week. Im 5'10 170 pounds. I'm not in bad shape, just a little extra meat here and their, I hit hard, but I need to lose the weight in order for speed and endurance. Anyone have any good ways to lose weight for fighting? For Example, what and how should I eat, what types of exercises. Any Info would help me alot. Thanks.
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