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Everything posted by future_black_belt

  1. Can someone tell me some of the stances used? We were doing stances last night and I kept slipping in and out of forward stance and back stance. I just want to know some that are used.
  2. Well, I looked at the price for the Les Paul Jr. by itself and it was 100$. I can't find the price for the Silvertone though.
  3. I'm going to buy a beginner guitar and teach myself. I found an Epiphone Les Paul Jr. Player's Pack on the Guitar Center website that was $100. This guitar had decent reviews and probably about 15% of them were bad. Then I went to a local music store to just check out guitars and prices and I found one that was priced at $170. This was a better guitar with a better amp, actually came with a couple of picks, and had a whammy bar and tuners that were actually on the guitar. Which one should I buy? Also the other store throws in a free lesson.
  4. I play Alto Saxophone.
  5. My middle school band went to a music festival in North Andover MA. We got a gold plaque! The highest one you can get is a platinum but no one has ever gotten that before. We played March to Castle Rock and Russian Sailor's Dance (short version). It was quite an adventure getting there though. The motor coaches didn't come for some reason. My band director called up three crazy bus drivers that would help us get there. During the ride, which is an hour and one half, one of the three buses broke down so we had to go back to get them. Everything went smoothly for the rest of the day. Canobie Lake Park made it all better, too.
  6. I'm too young, so does anyone have any ideas. I have a big field right next to where I live and should I just run around it a lot. I'm overweight and trying to lose weight also. Thanks for the help.
  7. It was the closest one in my area at the time. Now, since I moved I am a half hour away from it. My sensei is a great teacher and it is a nice school so, I stayed. I also found out, that when you get to black belt they teach you Aikido in black belt classes, so I don't have to cross-train through another school!
  8. One thing (which is hard because I can't make full contact to the body and none to the head, also nothing to the back or below the belt, knees or something) is that when someone comes in to attcak I parry and quickly come in with a flurry of punches and kicks. Also, I could just be aggresive (this scares most of my opponents).
  9. Club: Masters Self Defense Centers Location: Quincy, MA Sensei: Kevin Carmichael (5th Dan)
  10. Nice job! I got my green belt a while ago. I just need more self defense technique and one more kata to get to green w/ stripe. THEN MY 3rd DAN BROWN BELT!
  11. I am competing in forms, fighting (sparring), and weapons. There are only about 35 people competing. I'm using my Sai because I don't know anything with my bokken yet. Matsahiga no Sai is my weapons form. EDIT: I placed first in forms, second in weapons, and no place in fighting.
  12. I visualize my forms when I am in line waiting somewhere (I can't just randomly do my form while a ton of people are watching ((besides in a tournament)) ).
  13. One of the guys in my class wrapped his sai with raquetball tape. It works really great, not sticky at all. My sai were pre-wrapped and I put PVC tape on the ends of mine so the gripping doesn't fall off.
  14. My sensei told me that I should wrap hockey tape near the end of my bokken so I can get a better grip so it does not fly out of my hands. I just got my bokken on the 25th of April.
  15. I usually start with a backfist with my front hand, and then I like to follow up with a spinning backfist with my back hand. I usually use a mix of hand and foot strikes, I don't use one more than the other.
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