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Everything posted by sonic

  1. Hey all I got my weekly question here.... I am hoping to start both kendo and judo withing the next few years (want my karate Blackbelt first) and I have been looking into some clubs. From what I have seen I could get a schedule like this... Monday: Judo Tuesday: Karate Wendsday: Judo Thursday: Karate Friday: Kendo Saterday: Karate Sunday: Kendo Now Like my thread title says, is this overdoing it to the point of being unhealthy? I am only 16 and my knowledge on body conditioning is minimal. I might add that Karate classes are 2 1/2 hours, while Judo would be only 1 /2 hours and kendo would be 3 and 2 1/2 hours respectivly. thanks for your input Sonic
  2. I was able to jog for 50 minutes today, with only a few breaks.... made me happy cause im not used to runing very long
  3. Hi, first off sorry if this has been done I hadn't seen it on the first few pages though. I was just wondering what cool things have happened when you were teaching? I have started taking the "junior" white belts for teaching expirience and this nice little event happened last week. First off my class consisted of two boys and a girl (they are all under 10). I had taken them through the first 15 fundamentals when they seemed to be getting really bored. I gave them a water brake and when they got back I told them that we could have some fun doing races. now I dont know what this kid was thinking but he happily shouted "Boys are much better at stuff like that then girls." Now I told him sternly that that wasnt true and that there were plently of girls that could beat him (and me for that matter). He didnt belive me though and soon him and the other little boy started chanting how they were better. I made them do 20 pushups for this. First because it was disrespecting the girl in our class and because he wasnt listining to me. Right after we had the races. We had 5 in total and EVERY time the girl was able to win each race. At one point one of the boys said she was cheating, but I calmly told him that she was not and had indeed won fair and square. Now a few classes later and I havent heard anything like that again
  4. Hi I am trying to train alot more lately but I dont have much knowledge on how to "get buff" other then be persistant but dont overdo it. I was hoping maybe I could give you my average week and you could tell me how I could improve my fittness. (I am only 16 btw) First of all I try to eat healthy, lots of fruit/vegetables and not much fast food. however I have a major sweet tooth and have a hard time resisting candy. I have heard somewhere that protien really helps with muscle so maybe it would be wise to eat more foods with it? for training I go to karate 3 times a week at about 2 1/2 hours each class. I also have gym at school everyday and work out every night at home for differing amounts of time (usually about 1 hour - 3 hours) gennerally at home I do a 45 minute jog, followed by sit ups/pushups and Sanchin training (Sanchin is our main kata). I make sure to steatch well first. I am also going to get a bag and some small weights soon. I know rest is important to so I try to take sundays off, as well as getting 10 hours sleep. (though some of that is during math class ) anyways kudos if you read this whole thing. If you could give me any advice I would really appritiate it.
  5. can anyone tell me more abnout them please? (already looked at wikipedia)
  6. Just a fun thread about your favourite "signature" attacks to use while sparring. I have two: double front kick (with the same leg): I tend to use this at least once a fight. It seems to work really well for me and most people dont see the second kick coming. hammer fist: ever since My head sensai used this on me I have really started to like it. It is not something you can use very often but it can work wonders on people smaller then me ( which is about 90% of the class)
  7. sonic

    Cross training

    Alright thanks for the advice, I can see what you all seem to mean by saysing Judo would work well with Goju, ill look up some more info on it myself to. thanks
  8. Hi first time poster I currently take Goju karate,and my Sensai has recomended that I don't cross train untill I get to black belt or higher. I can understand this because I dont wish to have the styles mixed, I want to learn them at my own pace. But out of curiosity (and for my future desicions) I was wondering what other styles you feel "compliment" goju karate. This is my first style so I dont know what the others are like but a few things I was considering. Judo- from my limited knowledge judo involves many grabs/takedowns and fighting on the ground. I think this would be usefull because I find myself on the ground alot while sparring. Ninjutsu- I have bassicly no knowledge about it but it looks really cool. If someone could give me more information on it I would be very gratefull. Zui Quan- From what I know this is drunken boxing, and I would love to get to know this art better. I like to be very unpredictible when I spar, so this might help improve that. anyways I am still learning about these things, but I would like to hear your expiriences with them, any strengths they have, and how easy it is to get into said schools.
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