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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Okinawan Karate, Jiu Jitsu

KyleM's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. I'm not sure how things are done over there in America, but here in Australia we are made to sign insurance waivers when we sign up, that basically state the instructors/dojo are not liable for anything that may happen in or out of the dojo in relation to the training.
  2. thanks everyone we had to demonstrate 3 self defense techniques, a three step technique, and as many knife defense techniques as we knew as white belts which happened to be 4 but we only had to know the first one. Then we had to spar/grapple for about 15 mins all up.. but the thing that killed me was pushups/situps and the basics which easily went on non stop for maybe 30 mins.. definately going train hard for the next grading so i can keep up better
  3. passed my first grading lastnight, yellow belt now i gotta say it was real hard, definately sore this morning thats for sure.
  4. oh yeah, his knee just dislocated and popped right back in when herb dean pushed his leg over, but it did look pretty damn bad
  5. Has to be dbz for sure, never much of a fan of DBGT but i got the dvd's anyway. Bet its helping to make all the chi/ki ball practitioners rich eh
  6. Definately glad that Joe won, that was a classic and i saw it coming, Melvin is way too cocky, Joe had that fight mentally before he even got in the ring
  7. currently 3 days a week, might do both a morning class on say technique, and a kata in the evening, usually though i average about 3 hours in the dojo a day for 3 days a week.
  8. KyleM


    Hi Baron, thanks. Im 19 now but my flexibility is coming back pretty quick since i started training. While doing some sparring the other night i was complimented by the green belt i was partnered with about how good my kicks were so
  9. KyleM


    So far all i know that i have to do is one kata (tekki kyu shodan), three 3 step techniques, and one knife defence technique, as well as demonstrate basics
  10. KyleM


    I think my leg strength is definately rising rather quickly, my front kicks can just about reach head height (close to 6 ft) but side kicks are progressing a little slower.. the muscles running up the side of my leg and over my hip are a lot less flexible and a lot weaker then my hamstring/quads, can't believe i never trained these muscles at the gym oh well, i have a month to train and improve on my basics before my yellow belt grading, hopefully that is long enough
  11. Hi, i began karate last week and at the same time decided to make meditation a habit aswell. After around half an hour of concentrating on my breathing alone i can stop doing that and just remain silent in my brain if you know what i mean. As soon as i do that i start to have things pop up as they would after just closing my eyes, except these things aren't chaotic and my eyes are no longer flickering under the lids they are perfectly still. It is almost like (well its exactly like) i can replay the days events, or weeks or months clearly. Also i can somehow internally practice my kata. Is this what one hopes to achieve when meditating?
  12. KyleM


    Worked on some of the grading stuff i needed to know tonight, and after the class i did kata for an hour, got the movements and kiai memorised for my white belt test, all thats left now is to keep training and work at perfecting my form, grading is in one month, hopefully i can work up enough to pass.
  13. KyleM


    Thanks guys. Also noticing that i'm not as flexible as i was back when i did TKD and struggle to raise side kicks any higher then chest height. Can anyone recommend some stretches for fixing that?
  14. KyleM


    Hi, i attended my first Karate class two days ago (not sure yet what specific "form" of Karate it is). What I am wondering is are the Kata or patterns for each type similar, in that will i learn basically the same things in order to pass a grading as a another form would. And is the kata similar in any way to Tae Kwon Do ( i did this for a year when i was younger and still remember some of what i was taught, only progressed to green belt) Thanks, Kyle
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