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Everything posted by shabz

  1. ok Ryno i'll accept that but continual use of a rolling pin will cause damage, you have to put some pressure on it to kill the nerves which is enough to do the damage.yeah it isnt gonna cause alot of damage in a short period but it will over time. i like the idea of being so rich i could pay someone to do it for me!!
  2. The best way to toughen the shins as most have said is to kick pads and the heavy bag.DONT use rolling pins, ur actually causing damage to the bone.When conditioning the shin using pads & bags your killing the nerves which reduces the pain, if using anything harder or as hard as the shin bone you are killing the nerves and causing damage to the bone which you dont want. use pads & bag = tough shins and you can still walk when your 50 use wood or anything like it = tough shins but trouble when your 50 Its your shins your choice!!!
  3. being your first fight i'll assume its 3x2min rounds, dont try to look flash just get in there and go for it for the full 3 rounds, just keep it in your head that its ONLY 6mins!! if your opponent it taller than you, when your in the clinch kill the legs with knees dont worry to much about the body (it'll just tire you reaching), if the legs are gone what they gonna do? another thing, when you block a low kick get the hands going at the same time it'll stop them getting a combo off and a good chance you'l crack them on the chin. most importantly stay RELAXED and ENJOY it. good luck! shabz
  4. I suffer from Asthma too, the best thing i did was to go swimming reglularly. Once you get into it you will see a difference.Like radok said stay of the milk it builds up mucos which dosnt help the asthma.
  5. just like kicker said but make sure you dont just switch gaurd its just your feet you want to switch and keep your hips facing forward to generate the power, when you get it right you'll see what i mean about your hips ,they will naturally want to twist you back round, this is where the power comes from.When you switch feet, slightly turn your right foot out this helps with balance. Hope this helps! p.s thats with Muay Thai but it depends on what you do.
  6. Thanks for the info, just what i needed to know.
  7. can someone tell me what "vale tudo" is! I have been told it is a mix of Muay Thai and grappling is this correct?
  8. yeah ok there are stories about older thai fighters barley being able to walk but have you looked at there fight record? i think anybody taking on the amount of fights Thai's have in there career will end up with problems.remember its not a sport for them it's how they make money to live.The majority of us will being doing it to be able to defend ourselfs and compete as a sport.
  9. I used to suffer from shin splints when i go running, here's a few things to try - dont run on the road or pavement run on soft ground shorten the run and wear a rucksack with some weight in it. repetataive strain can cause shin splints among other things. good luck
  10. sometimes during training we practice mutiple attacks.3 people get up and 2 attack 1. What i find works for me in mutiple attacks is to concentrate on 1 person then worry about the rest. If you try and hit them all your gonna get tired pretty quick then they all jump on you
  11. i have been to a physio but he said there's nothing he can do for it, i just have to live with it but i was also told that about my back (from another physio)and thats fine now.(the physio is usually really good) I was just curious if anybody else had the same prob.
  12. when i punch i get a sharp pain through my wrist, its like there's a small ball in the joint!! has anybody had this and how did you cure it?? i have tried strengh exercises but it dont make no difference. thanks!
  13. I need to ask if some of youse have actually had to fight a street fighter?? i'm not talking about your typical drunk out for a fight, i mean a STREET FIGHTER someone that is known for it.Saying that because you do MA's you'll win is just a little narrow minded and inexperienced with actually dealing with street fighters. One more question, how many of you have proven your art to yourself? I dont mean by going out and picking fights, i mean having to use it when you have been attacked or stopping someone else being attacked? its a whole new ball game from training and sparring.
  14. Think i would have to go with Muay Thai & BJJ with that youve just about got everything you need, stand up fighting and when it goes to the ground uve still got something to offer. I'm not going to say what i wouldnt practice as it would just open a big can 'o worms!!
  15. does anybody know of any Muay thai magazine's? I know there was one but i have never seen it again. thanks for any help
  16. thanks i was looking at "fighting spirit" think i'll get it
  17. could someone advise me on which Bruce lee book to buy as there are a few i dont want to get a crap one.
  18. what training programs do you follow on the lead up to a fight? i'm looking for tips as i hope to be fighting soon.(Muay Thai) Didnt prepare properly for my first fight but next time's gonna be different!!! Thanks!
  19. im not from the USA but in the UK (and guess the USA)there's not much difference except for Thai's its a way of living and for us its more of a hobby. (before someone says about it being a hobbyand not a living , i was talking about the majority.) and like punchdrunk says you dont see as much full thai rules fights as alot of us have work to go to on monday morning!!
  20. kensai i didnt mean it deosnt work, sorry if thats what it sounded like but what i meant was that some of the techniques we learn in the gym with out all the outside pressure of adrenalin,shouting, raw aggression etc dont work so great on the street
  21. Oh just thought, dont colapse try to move around too keep the blood flowing when you finish.
  22. heres something i do thats good for your stamina- start with 3mins skipping to get you good and warm then SPRINT for 350 skips then 50 press ups 20sec rest SPRINT for 300 skips 40 press ups 20sec rest SPRINT for 250 skips 30 press ups 20sec rest SPRINT for 200 skips 20 press ups 20sec rest SPRINT for 150 skips 10 press ups 20sec rest SPRINT for 100 skips 5 press ups then colapse!!! its a killer! not advised for beginners!
  23. to me black belt just means youve learned your abc's, now its time to start learning.Ive reached red in Muay Thai which is looked upon as an instructor but i'm just learning to put sentences together if you know what i mean.Unfortunately some people see black belt as the top of the hill but really the mist has just cleared!
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