OK first off I want to say that on this program I lost 25 pounds in 10 weeks, and still have two more weeks to go. It's all in a book called Body for Life, I don't remember the author's name I think its Brian something, but they have it at almost every bookstore in the fitness section. The program is 12 weeks in length. Rather than eating 3 large meals a day, you instead eat 6 small meals. It's rather ackward but you'll get used to it and you won't be as hungry as before. Now it requires that you excercise 6 days a week. One day you do and aerobic exercise like running for 20 minutes. (I like to run, and play Dance Dance Revolution) But rather than running for 20 minutes straight, there are intensity levels, so say your running you walk for 1 minute, then every minute bring it up a step, once you get a few steps up you go back to the first level, and walk again, then you just repeat until the 20 minutes is up. Then the next day lower-body weight-training, then the next day aerobics, then the next day upper-body weight-training. But one of the coolest things is you get an Off-Day, a day with no exercise, and you can eat what ever you want. With this program I lost 25 lbs and my brother lost even more because I didn't try as hard as I probably could have. So I thought I would spread the word. Also the book is a real quick read.