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Personal Information

  • Location
    Bayside,Queens, Ny
  • Interests
    tae kwon do
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inyctrotter's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Theres not suppose to be a belt/sash system in Wing Chun.
  2. cool good luck.....i wish i could have started earlier. i have few more years....2 maybe
  3. I understand what everybody is saying but usualy in this fourm someone would have to say it depends on the fighter. but this isnt Fighter Vs. Fighter, its Art. Vs. Art.
  4. Does any one kno any excersices, methods and etc. that will help out the speed of my kicks in TKD? Thanks....
  5. Yes, I thing you should. Its the martial arts way. I woudnt want to leave any one alone to die, and it doesnt matter who that person is.
  6. wow congrats and good luck....i probably have to wait 1 or 2 years for my black belt
  7. Intresting any more information? That would be nice. And how long does it take to master both arts? Thanks everybody.
  8. Wrestling?? I think that came from USA
  9. Any ideas? Both are complete arts but I want to know more about both. Thanks.
  10. Light touch lets you control your power for later use in sparring. and of course i do light touch.
  11. For my TKD i pay $100 American Dollars for my Kung fu i pay $80 American dollars.
  12. I think asians have better things to do. We have other jobs than fighting. I also think that Asian martial arts teach not to "abuse" the art as in using it for only self defense. Maybe this teaching is diluted when taught to others. This is what i think, very intresting topic.
  13. If i would give up my art I will just learn an art that has a school in the town i live in. I'm willing to learn anything only if it is near somewhere i live.
  14. Sometimes but everybody is just joking. Don't take it seriously.
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