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Everything posted by Damo

  1. Oh no i just realised i'm now completely worthless as a martial artist because i can't name all the techniques i know in 5 different languages and everyone knows if you can't speak the language you can't do the art. That is some of the stupidest stuff i've ever heard I have no idea how to say right foot in korean but i'd really like send it into a few people's heads on this forum
  2. Actually they are wrong I'm not gonna sugar coat it 200 reps is bull. And you can't powerlift and lose weight. If you wanna lose weight lower your weight and increase reps. And if you do your whole upperbody in one day you either have about 8 hours of free time each day or you're missing some exercises.
  3. Oh no something else will happen. Not somethin else that would be horrible. haha
  4. Oh and when school starts talk to one of the sports coaches they'll hook u up with a total routine. And make you give yourself at least 2 rest days a week when you don't lift so your muscles can rebuild.
  5. No way they are all wrong. If you wanna lose weight do 2 or 3 muscles per workout. Do 4 exercises per muscle . Do 4 sets with a weight that you can start with 12 reps for each exercise. You don't powerlift to lose weight and you shouldn't do 200 reps either. example. here is one day's workout. -standing bicep curl with ez curl bar 4 sets of 12 reps. -standing dumbel curl 4 sets of 12 reps -seated isolated dumbel curl 4 sets of 12 reps -cable curl 4 sets of 12 reps then pick 4 excercises for triceps and back and do 4 sets of 12 for each that will help you tone and get definition
  6. I prefer hick i don't live on a mountain nor do I work on a farm
  7. :kaioken: :kaioken: oooh look at me i'm really mad on a message board HaHaHa
  8. Very true but where i am from a pistol on your belt, a shotgun in the trunk, or a highpowerted rifle hanking in your truck are about as common as they can get. and if i whiped out a .45 on an attacker i doubt i would need to use it.
  9. I'm not a racist i have no problem with any race on an individual basis. I don't like the countrie as a whole because of how it is run. I'm not a big fan of communism and its effects on the world.
  10. [edited] And for country vs.country you said china. Haha wrong answer China sucks they they're growing so fast and living in such a [word edited out] hole they're gonna start an outbreak of the plague thats gonna turn them back into a third world country. [edit note:] These posts are getting out of hand, have a little more restraint please... it's just a web board, they are just opinions and words. [/edit note] This Message was edited by: Tim Greer on Aug 14, 2001 6:51pm
  11. the best wepon is an S and W .45cal semi auto pistol. sure beats a sword or a knife and has more stopping power than a 9mm so no matter what they're on it only takes 1 shot to put em down.
  12. You guys are retatred with your style vs. style arguments. No one style is superior because each single stlye lacks in at least one aspect of fighting. You can take the top fighter in any single style and put him in the PRIDE Grand Prix and I guarantee you he won't make out of the quarter finals. You can't out kick muay thai, you can't out throw judo, you can't out grapple a wrestler, you can't out submit a BJJ fighter, and you can't out box a boxer. So you need to gain as many skills a possible.
  13. You guys are funny. The belt system was developed by a traveling Judo Master so when he went from school to school he could tell the experience level of the people he worked with by looking at them. This was done for safety , so novice students weren't injured. And i don't care if your a blackbelt, a thai boxer, a wrestler, or just a brawler unless you are well rounded in many differt areas of combat a person from any 1 style can pick apart your weaknesses.
  14. Let him get close. Work on your close range fighting. If you have that much trouble shadow sparring in close in an actual fight you'd get your ass kick.
  15. I have a very simple solution to your question. Any art will do. Its up to you to have the attidue and the balls to kick the sh*t out of someone when it comes down to it. [Edited by Admin: Please refrain from using foul language, thank-you] This Message was edited by: Kickbutt on Aug 2, 2001 10:19am
  16. Ki or chi in my opinion is nothing more than mental focus. You can't heal people or shoot fire balls, but youcan get extraordinary indurance, speed, and power from it.
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