Hi, I'm new here...and I was wondering if I could have some help by reading some opinions on what martial arts would fit me best. I am planning on training in around 2...depending on price. I have a job and college to attend...but time still isn't a problem, I have most nights free. I am looking for a type of martial arts that is quick to the point...nothing for sport, or play, or even tournaments...something that will take an opponent to the ground quickly...and keep them there. Of course what I mean is that I'm not concerned about these moves being banned from tournament because they are not going to be used for that with me...they are going to be used purely for self defense. That is one of my classes I'd like to take...any ideas? The other I'm leaning towards ninjutsu...it seems like it teaches many aspects of martial arts, including weapons, stealth, standing fighting, and grappling...as well as meditation. I like that combination as it sounds very interesting and I think I will enjoy it...this is the school I will be attending... http://www.chicago-ninjutsu.org/ as for the other fighting form, the one that is more lethal...more arm breaking and "other" breaking oriented...I do not know what is best. I would prefer to know that kind of stuff for the encounter I don't ever want to be faced with. Any dissuasions or encouragement in my choices would be thanked a lot! What do you think? also...to add this in, I don't know if it matters...but I'm 19 years old...and I know that's late to start, some of my family keeps telling me it's TOO late...i just don't wanna believe them....just like I am trying not to believe them about them saying it's too late to start learning guitar, which I also just embarked on. [ This Message was edited by: BoB bArr on 2002-08-02 16:23 ]