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Everything posted by BizMarkie

  1. I called Tyson up on my cell, but instead of answering my curteous questions on speed/weightlifting he made sure I understood that he was going to eat my children...aah, he's a funny one!
  2. Nothing could be further from the truth. Perhaps I would do this if I were to live in the poorest areas in Sao Paolo or Cape Town, but in a "normal" place like Sweden this would be a dumb idea. I have never struck a person outside my dojo and never will, I would rather take a few hits than raise the stakes of an already incendiary situation! I have always been able to discuss my way out of trouble and will keep on doing so until the day my tounge is no more.
  3. Oh that's nice! Just be mean and shake my confidence... All you others; thanks! Have a great week!
  4. I was wondering if it's benefitiary to add boxing to my TKD to improve my skills with fists, since I feel I lack that in this mostly kicking art? And don't say I should do some grappling; 'cause I don't like grappling, no offence I hope. Any helping tips?
  5. Guess who has broken the most UN resolutions Iraq or Israel....??
  6. I pay about 35$ for a period of six months. Most dojos in Sweden are being run at selfcost-prices.
  7. Well G95champ; why say that you aren't going to try and counter every statement when that's exactly what you're trying to do? Your first statement regards the assult on a wedding. First of all you do not take into account the fact that we are talking about poeple celebrating the happiest time of their lives. Secondly who could be stupid enough, riding a hundred million dollar aircraft, to believe handgun fire to be anti aircraft missiles?? It's like being shot by an arrow while riding a tank! Idiocy! Isn't war time the time to really think about what you do since it so profoundly affect peoples lives?? Well since they are your allies, and are obviously not to be trusted, shouldn't you keep an eye on them?? More importantly shouldn't you keep an eye on your POWs?? It is certainly a crime not to! You mention that Afghanistan have no solid trade partners...well give them some! Remember parts of Berlin...the airlift! It's a lot simpler this time! You say that Japan has a rich history...they were the most solitary nation for hundreds of years! They did not evolve because of it! The swiss have tourism you say...no more than any other european nation, surely they are behind Spain, Portugal, France, England, Italy, Greece, Germany, Holland! Why couldn't Afghanistan become a tourist nation...it is a beautiful country! I agree, Vegas was a poor example. But Israel and Egypt also has bad and arrid grounds. Stable religion is of little importance. Do you think the powerful jews of Washington would wage a war? Do you believe the muslims of New York would start a Jihad? I get your point but I don't believe it to be true. Are you completely ignorant? I just told you it was about life and death! You mention PR twice by the way!! It is interesting to now that USA is one of the least giving nations counting in percentage! If US troops are giving Iraqi soldiers food then the Iraqis are certainly POWs, and as such have a right to food! What we can also remember is the slaughter of soldiers and civilians fleeing Kuwait on that desolate and terrible single road... If you want to bring the Marshall plan to our minds, which by the way is not forgotten!, let us also bring Vietnam, Chile, Nicaragua! Nuclear weapons affect all of humanity so that treaty is as much a unilateral treaty as it is a bilateral and pluratiral one! And if the USAs word is not to be counted on...allies will be lost! SDI is useless and Bush jr. is ignorant trying it! Well why aren't you?`Oh it's a money issue! The american population is about what 5 % of the population and yet you are responsible for more than 25% of the pollution. Putting the blame on third world countries is just plain stupid! They need to advance first. I would like to see evidence of that, please! The bad things are truthful that's why. Hollywood's got a lesson to learn about sad endings by the way... I agree with you here.
  8. You are very right, and I am sorry for losing my temper. This is certainly not the right forum for that. I do apologize. It's just that certain remarks upset me. Winning is not what it's about! How do you win by slaughtering more civilians than were killed at WTC? How do you win by letting Geneva convention protected POWs melt away and rot inside metal containers? How do you win by promising someone aid and then not give it to them? And is it really a laughing matter? And you weren't there to overthrow an opressive government! That idea was conceived after the attacking forces failed to find any heads of Al-Qaida. Bin Laden got away and so did Mullah Omar...and why? Because Bush only used airstrikes and didn't put any men on the ground...another failure on his part. PR?!?!...is that's how you see this world? Stop bombing weddings and stop working with some dictators at the same you bomb others. It's a matter of life and death for the less fortunate in this world...and you spit in their faces by talking about PR... I agree that Afghanistan has alot going against it ever really flourishing, but you sound like we should abandon them because of it. And that's ignorant. Now to your points... You mean like Japan? Ah, like Switzerland? Like in Vegas? Pakistan will not try to invade Afghanistan because of their current relation with the US. India is a democracy with no intentions of fanning the flames, considering the Kashmir situation. Iran knows better. And the former republics of the Soviet Union are too weak. Most countries have no stable religion. Well why isn't the USA doing all it can? Racism? Lack of interest? As a provider of aid and support one can put pressure on the reciever; and I believe that the allied forces is more than able to check where its money's going. Then you go and rant about PR again...it's sad to see. Yes, by ignoring the Kyoto agreement, by not attending enviroment conferences, by not ratifying the ban on personnel mines, by breaking with the ABM treaty, by disregarding the Geneva conventions in war time, by not accepting criminals to be prosecuted in an international crimes tribunal, by working with dictators and murderers...yes, you are so right... I would like to thank three60roundhouse for keeping me in check and I will,in the future, not put something up before thinking it over twice.
  9. ...no he doesn't sum up anything. It's the rantings of a fool!
  10. ...I would like to hav a slightly bigger behind
  11. Of course I want Afghanistan to become a democracy! And there's no one else but true democracies that can help the afghans to beome a democratic nation. What worries me is that the afghans will once again turn theirs backs agains the world because of lacking interest. A few months before the attack on the WTC I thought that Afghanistan must be one of the worst places in the world to live in...and I still think so. But since the taliban has been overthrown (which I thought was good), I believe a great future lies ahead! In the way stands american oil interests, political ambivalence, racism and ignorance! USA and Europe should see to it that Afghanistan might live and prosper...cause boy! they deserve it!
  12. Afghanistan is not getting the support they need. The Northern Alliance are not good guys. The government controls only Kabul. The opium fields that were rooted out under the taliban are bigger than ever. The promised support foodways is not being delivered...the west should not abandon them again or bad situations will arise.
  13. ah...imperial. Of course, it's british so why shouldn't that be its name
  14. ....one question. I know that one pound is the same as, I believe, 0,454 kilos but what is the name of this measure system (the british-american one)?
  15. ...just take the hit. oh wait...don't! Hypnotize him and then use a shuriken to cut up his clothes
  16. I kill, steal, maim and rape...and my hobby is knitting!
  17. Sorry. What I meant was that I agree with most of the world which consider Canada to be a fair nation that aids people in dire times; A nation of humanitarians. But I do not agree on USA being such a nation. It's all about their own security and oil money. They are playing a losing game with the current attitude to the world.
  18. This is an idiotic thread....wtf is its purpose?
  19. https://www.underash.net Should this be banned....it seems a tad distasteful
  20. First of all try to spell correctly! Second, PLO are not the ones executing the attacks. It's breakout groups carrying out atrocities in Israel. You can say, rightly so, that Arafat is doing far too little to prevent the attacks, but his position in Palestine is weak and if he was to go, some hardliner would probably take his place and fan the flames even more. And what any humanitarian would NEVER do is to punish and starve an entire nation for what smaller groups are doing!!! You seem to think that the entire palestinian population consists of terrorists...well anyone can see that's not the case. And you cannot blame Arafat for the starvation (even though it's not like Ethiopia had it) because he is not putting up the blockades. You also mention the 6-day war. Well things are different now. If Israel were to start a war they would win in perhaps even less time than that because they have already ruined their opponents civic society. But would that mean the end of suicide bombings...come on! They would multiply and tear the entire region apart. And Isreal would probably not have american support because of Bush's declaration that his administration would like to see a palestinian state. And it would probably mean that Israel would lose all contact with Europe and that Bush's plan to overthrow Saddam will be almost impossible without heavy diplomatic losses. Then you quote Patton, and it seems ironic...The palestinians are battling for a state with almost no weapons, while the israelies are firing missiles from mile high positions...
  21. "The manufacture matters not." In most cases this would be true but the USA is one of Israels only friends right now supporting them heavily. Europe is putting pressure on Israel because they are destroying the palestinian society. Is it legitimate to brun down schools and destroy all univesity records? Are ambulances legitimate targets? Every other child in Palestine is sufering from malnutrition! People are starving because of the Israeli blockades. It is dangerous to penalize an entire nation because of what Hamas and the Islamic Jihad are doing. If you have no hope, no job and your family is starving...; that's a big reason for the suicidebombings. It doesn't justifie it in any way but its an explanation! And they are playing into Sharons hands! His violance is justified by the bombs and so is his reluctance to do anything about the occupying settlers. Bush wants Arafat to go away and he could very well be right about that...but by saying it loud he is irritating all palestinians who will probably re-elect him. Sharon is a butcher with the blood of innocent refugees on his hands ( remember Sabra and Shatila), and a warmonger. There's a long way to go...and it's impossible to guess what will be. The times are sad.
  22. ...the only humanitarians!! When was the last time a swiss fighter dropped bombs on a wedding? How about the Kyoto treaty? And ICC?? And Bush is a friend of the criminal Sharon!! America has some good things going...but to say that these three (I can probably agree on Canada) are the only humanitarians is ludacris. It didn't pay it's debt to the UN until it needed friends...and now USA is losing its friends due to unilateralist policies and arrogance.
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