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  • Interests
    Everything related to combat

Daimyou's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I am in search of actuall Street fight video clips. If anyone can direct me in the right direction and give me URL where I can find these, I would appreciate if very much.
  2. Hmm...most interesting method of Girlfriend acquisition..good luck!
  3. Ohaiyou!
  4. Ki-Master, what is it that you do with this Ki-ball??? I am curious once you have formed it, then what??
  5. Disrespect from those that matter not to me, nor know me, or know nothing about me, have no effect on me. I don't waste my emotions on them. My journey is not to gain respect from the world. I respect myself, I need not prove anything, to anyone.
  6. It has been many years since I have attended a school. Fighting, is your last resort. Use it only when you have no other choice, or it is immediately necessary for the safety of the innocent, and loved ones. When faced with a situation, where an opponent is attempting to shove you, don't let him! Deflect do what you must, except attack him, refrain from this, try to walk away, attempt to walk away, if he chases you and attacks, then your recourse will be justified by self-defense. I hope that helps. Of course as has been stated before, if it is not a school environment, and situation calls for it, then make the first move, but always attempt to end it without fighting..However, beware, a vicious confrontation can erupt from any moment, be prepared. I hope this helps.
  7. Welcome, and I wish you the best of luck on your new path, the path of the martial artist is not an easy one. I hope you find that which you seek here. Again, welcome!
  8. Welcome o the forum. A wise decision, the martial arts will improve you in every way.
  9. A most humble welcome, I hope that you can find what you seek here.
  10. I have experienced this before. The resolution is a simple one. He may not feel pain, but if he cannot walk, or if his bones, just simply aren't able to operate because they're not in one piece. Then it doesn't matter if he feels the pain or not, the situation will be over. One of my experiences caused me to break the knee of my assailant, bones were popping out the side of his knee. He didn't screem or even feel it. But, he couldn't walk, thus he could not hurt me. So there's your answer, just break your opponent. I hope this helps your quest for answers.
  11. I wouldn't say bad, but you will be limiting your abilities, you'll be putting limitations on yourself. That has varying levels of importance to each person, but to me it is priority, i don't want to limit myself, because when i face an enemy who does not limit himself, then I my fight is already lost. Also, it is important to remember that just being flexible will not make you an efficient kicker.
  12. Being flexible and the ability to stretch your legs is very important in Self Defense. And that would include doing the "splits" It is not accurate to state that doing high kicks in a self defense situtation will get you hurt, this is only true if you are slow, tight, and lack power. Speaking from experience, there have been a few times(thankfully only a few) where I have kicked my enemy in the face before he could move. This is due to my training I train my legs to be fast and powerful. If you are not flexible then you lose power and control of your leg. Don't be close minded to the idea of high kicks, they are deadly if you can do them properly, and if you can't then don't use them, because then you truly will be hurt.
  13. Thank you all for your welcomes. I'm glad you like my name. No, I don't speak Japanese. sorry.
  14. I wish to introduce myself, this is the first time I have ever joined a Martial Arts forum..I hope to gain alot from this site. I have studied the fighting arts for most of my life, my journey continues, never to end.
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