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learning kempo-karate

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Universal Kempo-Karate, Shotokan Karate, Judo
  • Location
    Big Island of Hawaii
  • Interests
    Kempo-karate and fishing

learning kempo-karate's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Hello, If tied up in the car's trunk and it is moving? Try kicking the rear lights out if you can move your legs. Hopefully someone following will see and call the police. (not all cars you can do this with). Everyone should try to untied themselves to escape..RULE ONE 1 ...escape If tied up next to driver if in a crowd street...try to move your body to cause driver to crash! You want attention here by outsiders. NO two situtions will be the same...try to keep calm & think of ways to escape, try to untied one self, try finding things around you for weapons. Tied up is a very BAD sitution to be in....try to be calm..think how you can get away or escape or fight back if can? One can use there teeth to bite if this available at the right time and place..remember that movie of the paralized guy who got the bad guy come close to him by fooling him by talking soft...he bite his throat. Aloha
  2. Hello, New and unuse muscles will aches if never use before. A sign you are now using those mucscles again. The soreness will go away after a few days or so. Aches and soreness NO one enjoy these pains....only thing NO pain NO gain....so THIS IS GOOD , just temp, till you go to the next level of using additonal more muscles. NO pain...NO gain....except this....just is temp (for life). If you stop for a while...then when you start again...it happens again the aches and pains....NO STOP! Aloha (not wanting to start again here)....gotta and gotta go hard too! Ahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,sore,sore sore... where's the ACETAMINOPHEN -A a pain reliever....)
  3. Hello, Most of us wash our Gi's. It is when you train with someone in the next class that "didn't wash it", cause one of our sense's to react. Not washing a gi's can be a good technique to use when grappling. Do not under estimate the power of SMELL! it can be good or it can be BAD! It is how you use it! POWER TO YOU! Aloha (wash till clean...dry till not wet any more).
  4. Hello, NOT sure if the karate chop is the very core of martial arts. Karate chops can be an effective technique if use correctly. (especially on the neck area). Not sure using this "chop"on the foot area? if standing up?.... What are other names use to describe this techniques? Kenpo chop,kempo chop? Judo chop, (NO chop suey OK)...... Aloha ( and no pork chops too!)
  5. Hello, Just wondering when or who will be the first to put flashing lights on the gi's. Did you see Elivs karate Gi? with wide bell bottoms? ...........Aloha Aloha
  6. Hello, Have you notice how many people react (get mad or angry) when show the middle finger? or given verbal words the is (not mentionable) to them! If you react by getting angry or getting revengeful or mad? DID WE LOSE? .....and the other person WON..cause they got what they wanted...they wanted you to react with anger,fear,madness! How many of you LOST IN THE PAST? ....and CAN YOU WIN TODAY? The middle finger (SIGN LANGUAGE)...has a few meanings. If shown and given to you? Who will win? Aloha, WIN-WIN by not losing
  7. Hello, Have you try the internet for weight lifting,or muscle building,etc/ At the magazine racks are tons of information....muscle mag,men fitness, iron man, muscle develoment, etc....most of them have routines of some of the best builders in the world. Cardio routines,is also shown in most of the monthly magazines too. You may want to read up on "CORE' training & Matt Furys' book on "Combat condition is worth getting. 1. Running is always a good routine if done 3 times a week for a couple of miles. 2, M,W,F : Push-up 3-5 sets (add varitions, Jump rope 5-10 minutes, 100 full squats, 3. One of the problems is you have a starting or beginning and than you will need to add each week, a little more to each excerise. How much? varies person to person. (especially for weight training) which has so many theories. Weight training can be T,Thr, Sat,.......sunday go to church! REST too! 4.Best way to get the right answers is research the tons of materials out there....choose the one's that make alot of sense to you! 5. Follow professioal advice? Ours may not be best for you? 6. For myself....I like resting 5 days a week...add one day for fishing,and Sunday for watching football! Aloha,
  8. Hello, World of martial art uniforms? is there any VANITY left? Professors's,Master's,10th degrees.....their belts? Many looks like a military General uniforms. Muliple colors are endless....each trying to be more different. At tournaments it looks like a circus acts. Even the forms look like circus acts too! Still old school here..plain whites for Judo and all black for Kempo. Not sure color blind? ...but for sure Not ordor less! To differ is OK....that is what Americans are made of......Aloha
  9. Hello, Just by dropping 1 inch or two will have give you a stronger foundation and a little bit more flexable stance. Try it! .............Aloha
  10. Hello, Yes there are better training methods. The bad guys learn real street techiques that has been proven from experience. There style of anything goes,chaos,non-stop,anything for weapons can be use....NO limits..fight to keep you from fighting back. Hit till you cannot move anymore....they don't care. They been in jail before. Do you train like that? for chaos? Have you ever talk to these guys who fight on the street often? It will be very interesting to hear how they fight? I use to work with a guy who was a trouble maker...got fire for chasing a guy in a VW parking lot with a hammer for a weapon....VW said something and ...oh well. He survive the attack. (out ran this person). TWO great books worth reading: Gift of Fear...and Fighter Fact Book 2..... The real world fighting and world of martial arts? You will find is NOT the same thing! Please study this well....time is a good source of learning. Train in Shotokan Karate, Tang Soo do, Kempo, and a little JUDO....Still learning and still studying about the art of self-defence. My thoughts have change alot since the beginning of learning...still going thru changes....Aloha
  11. Hello, Most martial arts- teach a form of self-defense and make you believe it will work. The army/marines teaches their soldiers to fight in war like conditions...most will come and say it is very different from practice. To learn to fight like real is to practice like real ...anything goes, biting,up close,NONE stop,adenline flowing, fear, in a strange place -unfamliar against people you don't know? Hard to train like that HUH? In a real situtions..it will be harder especially when you do not want to get into a fight-back situtions. Ever see a street fight look like a Kata? Deep stances? arm way back like a karate stance? NO one fights like this? Movies maybe? These books will share something you may not be aware about? By reading them....you will understand...or if you get into a real fight? than you will really understand. ....Aloha
  12. Hello, If you want to know if your style or training makes sense? Read this book by Loren Christensen " Fighter Fact book 2". He is the most modern, realistic, writer, fighter there is ! You will have to read it for yourself. Then compare it to the way you are training. Want to know if your martial arts works? READ the book 2. His articles on hair pulling makes sense, How to handle DOG attacks, what is involved in a real fight, the way you train is the way you will fight..he brings this up alot. The military,FBI, Police, and others have made changes in the way they train. Read the book2....you will find yourself making changes in the way you train too! Loren Christensen is the UP TO DATE , when it comes for REAL SELF-DEFENSE/fighting. Does you martial art works for the real world? This book will give you some insights that has always being around. A MUST read book...if you want to LIVE LONGER! The only way you will KNOW if your martials training works? is read the book! .........Aloha
  13. -Hello, Body guards, Sercuity officers, POLICE officers, Hotel Securitys, Bank and Jewel stores. Customs, governmental agencys for sercurity jobs, military MP'S, Campus Sercuity. Even health and weigh gyms. So many things! ........Aloha PS: Learn JUDO too....this is the best for non-violent ways to handle many or all situtions!
  14. Hello, Have you consider having your own online travel business? Write off all the cost of your travel expenses? Easy low cost to start. leave a message? Aloha
  15. What's Binary? ......Oops wrong number here...Aloha
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