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Everything posted by Marine

  1. i agree with ninjer. though i do think that it is good to focus on different elements of BJJ for brief times during training in order to get proficient in those areas...like sweeps, escapes from cross side bottom, or escape from mount bottom.
  2. back off on your training, make sure you have a day or two without training. weekends are good to take off cause it leaves two whole days to recover. also swimming and stretching will help strengthen the muslces around the shoulder without straining them. also tell your training partners to take it easy on your shoulders. that helps a lot, and ppl are pretty respectful about that...at least at my gym
  3. To see some pictures go to subleague.com. We dont have all of the pics up yet but there are some
  4. well i got second in the 15-17 year old division. i got 3rd in my pool of 7 guys in the adults but did not place in the division. one our guys got first in that division. it was a great turn out with a lot of competitors. probably close to 200.
  5. So today i have a submission grappling tournament that our gym is hosting, there are going to be close to 200 competitors there. if i get any pics i will post them. https://www.impactjj.com
  6. the biggest thing with choking someone out till they black out is knowing when to stop. dont continue the choke after they black out cause then you can kill them or cause serious damage. at my old gym we had a guy choke someone out and they guy had a slight seizure (spelling) cause the choke wasnt released soon enough. he was fine afterwards with the exception of being tired and not remembering how it happened. most of the time ppl will wake up on there own.
  7. i used to be at a dojo with a similar situation, the key is discipline. the kids will get the hint.
  8. I dont think that you have to ask permission. But I think you should tell your sensei just to let him know what is going on and to let him know that you are quitting or not going to be around as much. I know i went through this over a year ago and I just told my sensei that i was going to go train else where because i wasnt learning much at his gym, mostly because he was never there and i was teaching classes.
  9. i like them both but in real life MA fighting the hands are much better. i tend to use my kicks for as distractions to get them to lower their guard. as for grappling the legs are used more for control and the hands and arms are used to submit, but that is not always true and is sometimes the opposite like in the triangle, umma platta (spelling), etc.
  10. having trained in both stand up MA and now training in BJJ i think that it is good to have a mix of both types. Even if you do just take MA for fun you might need to use your skills to defend your self or someone else. i think that being well rounded in MA is the best because then you can more readily adapt to situations. Mixed Martial Arts is good for this since they teach you how to fight on your feet and then how to fight once the fight goes to the ground. UFC FCFF fighters are pretty good examples of fairly well rounded fighters.
  11. Hey i just joined this forum the other day. i have taken martial arts since 2001. I took Kempo and i take brazilian ju jitsu now. i have taken BJJ for a little over a year.
  12. night owl....PM me. i go to impact ju jitsu too.
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