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KI - Master

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Everything posted by KI - Master

  1. I have exctly the same problem. I dunno what this is, but i dont like it hope its not asma or a heart problem
  2. As i said before, I HAVE seen personally how ki exits the body and becomes a force, some sort of beam, and i FELT it being performed on me. So i would think that a similar technique can be applied to ki balls instead of ki beams dont u think? ofcourse this kinda thing doesnt happen overnight...... btw i dont spend all my time making ki balls, i meditate and try making a ki ball for like 15min a day, and i see the results, its not for knocking my opponents out with some kinda fireball, its about learning to manipulate my energies and to better understand ALL of nature and life.
  3. I have a guinea pig it has long fur and bites me when i annoy it I had a big green parot who flew away 1 year ago
  4. I think some of them are made by aliens the ones that are very complex. It has even been reported and documented that strange things happen inside them e.g. high elecro mgnetic radiation and crop mutation. Some of the crops are completely undamaged so its doubfull that they're made by humans, ofcourse some are
  5. Yep... warcraft 3 definetly kicks ass!! i passed it a LONG time ago I also play starcraft and am pretty good... well i used to be I was about to join an elite clan but then warcraft 3 came out and i started sucking @ sc
  6. Hehe actually i'm not a "Ki master" I just couldnt find a better nick I can barely make little ones much less use them when you reach an advanced level i heard you can control them in different ways like healing and throwing them, but i'm VERY far from that i just started 2 weeks ago. But i have noticed an improvement it seems now i can make them quiker and they "seem" more powerful (i think).
  7. I study taekwondo we learn a lot of grapling and other fighting techniques contrary to some peoples beliefs that tkd is useless in a fight. i'll be green belt soon
  8. Ok whatever if u guys dont believe me, dont. Atleast TRY to meditate and try to control your ki before you attack my posts I dont know if u will see the results in 2 weeks but u will definatly see them! i'm not full of BS i have personally seen ki being performed. This post is for ppl that are interested, i wont post any more on this subject.
  9. Ignorant ckdstudent dont post useless stuff here. Take your complaints somewhere else we dont want them here this thread is for people to discuss ki and how to achieve it not to annoy others. You cant convince me that ki isnt real, i have SEEN it happen and can do some myself. btw, a ki ball is a ball of energy(ki) that you make by focusing all of your ki in your body into a ball in between your hands, like holding a baseball. (see the erlier link i gave for more info).
  10. experience? ummm... I know Ki is real because i have seen it. A guy I know can knock down a folded business card from a meter and a half away. (no joke) when he points his hand at someone it feels like a beam of heat is going through you. I have seen it happen... His master can even levitate, or so he says I dint see this for myself. As i said before I can create small ki balls pretty crappy ones, because i have just started training. After a couple of minutes meditating it feels like theres a little explosion inside my hands and they start to expand like magnets, when i breath in, they come closer when i breath out they separate. try this for yourself, you should get it in a while.
  11. Yo can read stuff here: http://members.fortunecity.com/kisociety/undergroundsociety/index.html its a good site even though some of this may be impossible to perform. Read the basic techniques and training you should see the results. You should pracrtice daily and set your mind properly. Also, you first must learn to meditate properly and feel out ki in your body.
  12. I can make a small ki ball. I'm starting to gain control over my ki and i'm seeing results after only 2 weeks of training
  13. For those of you who dont believe in KI, try tying a small object to a rope and holding it on top of a flower or plant. You will notice the object start to rotate, it is the same energy at work in all living things, and can be controled through practice. Plants can easily control their KI, they use it to break through the ground and to overcome obstacles such as rocks in their way, it has been documented that little weeds have broken through huge pieces of concrete and pavement. Imagine what this energy can do for a human if properly controled...
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