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AngryDelldo's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. He does it nothing like ours. He does lean forward alot, but maybe that is they're thing, along with the wobble?
  2. Everytime I see this I also see the same mistakes, to each thier own I guess lol.
  3. Very cool show! I think this is going to be a new favorite of mine. I believe next week is Karate, I cant wait.
  4. Very good drills, sound painfull!
  5. I'm gonna have to go buy my pool for sure now! Been thinking on it for awhile, now I have a great reason other than the heat.
  6. We're taught to use all 3. Instep for sparring mostly. Ball of foot in street, or real world applications. Our reason's for this is because depending on what shoe's you are wearing it can be difficult to point your toe's. Shin's are more of a real world use, but while using your shin your losing reach, so we are taught to use this when already in very close proximity with the attacker. My 2 cent's.
  7. I like the idea of a coloured card for each grade level. Does each card have a set amount of marks that has to be reached? E.g. 20 ticks for classes for first belt, 30 for 2nd belt, 40 for 3rd belt, then 50 for each belt after that. No, he just marks the date for each class attended, but I like the idea you came up with.
  8. I dont think I'm one of those students, but we have a few in our school that just wont shut up and do as they are told. (usually when the female teacher is teaching and everyone else but Sensei). Questions are great, in fact we are encouraged to ask, but it is one thing to ask a question about something and another to question (doubt) a Sensei's teachings.
  9. Don't feel bad or anything man, it happens to most people when starting out. The problem is that your body isn't use to it yet. Without knowing which Kata you are working on I can't be to specific in how to help you or point you in the right direction, however we have a step system to help students get it easier. EXAMPLE: Taikyoku Shodan. (Move one) Start in ready position. Step back and out with the left leg. Turn to your left into a worrior stance. Block with your left arm. Raise your left arm. Step forward with your back leg into another worrior stance. Then punch with you right hand. Basically breakdown each movement into parts and that helps you focus even more on each move which should help you improve. Good luck and I hope I make sense for you lol.
  10. Short answer: No. To me, and what I am taught in my own school is that being a Black Belt is more than just being able to fight. It's about many things, it's a personnal journey and an ongoing journey. If your friend has this big intrest in Martial arts than he would know that there is more than just fighting involved, he would want to learn the Kata's and so on. I could go on and on. I'm only yellow belt and I feel like I know more about being a Black Belt than he does and if thats the case then no he isn't a "real" Black Belt. He may be a great fighter, but he should probly just where boxing shorts and a tee-shirt or something.
  11. At our Dojo it's just a pass or fail aswell. Our instructors usually point out what we need to work on prior to the test. If anything you might be able to tell by yourself what might need work. Some things I feel very confident at performing and a few others I'm not sure about so I work on those myself untill I have no doubt. Hope this helps some. Really though asking is always the best way.
  12. Sounds crazy! I would be very upset by this, however I wouldn't be suprised because alot of people are like that. Our Instructor always stresses to us that if we can avoid altercation to do so. Our self-defense like most is a "no choice" situation. He also stresses that it isn't full proof, there are just to many variables. Take the multiple attacker route and there isnt much you can do, because most self-defense is singular at least for me it is so far. And the worst scenario is facing bullets. On another note I would love to be able to carry my Chucks or Katana around for self-defense just like people do with guns.
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