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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. Hya guys The wrist grab as a few have already mentioned was allegedly, supposed to stop the drawing of the sword. We will never know how often people pulled this technique off for sure, but i have used this in a calming situation. I have 6ft and 18stone so im a big guy. I have trained in a few grappling styles, judo, akido but it was the ju jitsu i had a lot of wrist lock usage as it was the longest i trained at in a grappling art. We used the wrist locks as party pieces mostly and demonstrated these to people when they did a famous request''''show me'''' Great break falls were used as we all used to do great high flipping rolling falls and land with a loud bang on the mat. These people where truly amazed. The situation i used it in was to stop 3 girls fighting each other. One had hold of a girls hair so that her knuckles were white, her grip was that hard, the other was sat on the pinned down girl. People tried to break it up and failed, i kindly applied an adapted wrist lock and lifted the girl out of the way via a lock on her wrist. I then released her to let the pinned down girl get away. There was no afters and people all got back onto their activities, drinking beer in pub This may possibly help to calm a situation like this. In a real fight, not a staged '''have this on yr wrist''' simply do not work to any effect in a violent attack on yr self. Their are too many things going on and the last thing on yr mind is doing and twist. I came to realize this as now i train at a cross training club. For my 1st degree i had to spar 32 rounds all differing in combat. Boxing vs kick, boxing vs grapple, grapple vs kick,,,wing chun vs boxing , and ground grappling. Real fights a wrist lock is sadly lacking, how many have thrown themselves into a breakfall to make the instructor look good eh? To rely on one is a fools folly. interesting topic
  2. This noble art is fantastic. The thought of this pugilistic art brings thoughts of warriors, long gone. The match is between a Thai fighter and Burmese fighter. Its hailed as a friendship match. '''Iron head''' is a class act and a few of his videos can be found if you look for them. You have all the same striking weapons as 'Thia Boxing' which is a deadly combination. Just to add interest 'head butts ' are allowed also !!! To keep things interesting gloves are not worn just 'hand wraps' taped on. If a fighter is knocked down and is dazed, he has the right to carry on if he feels he can continue. This can happen many times in a match. Normally as we know in westernized arts, knock downs can mean game over. Not with these toughened fighters thats just the tonic to get back in there !! Looks very untidy at times, but these guys basically fight to win via knockout. I have 100% admiration for the courage shown by these true martial warriors. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87zbqLbddZ8&mode=related&search=
  3. The virtua fighter 5 coming to the PS3 and XBOX 360 will be different versions. The XBOX 360 virtua fighter 5 will be using newer code than PS3 version, and has updates to the game. Kick-punch block, its all in the mind
  4. speaking from my 'own experience' I was mugged with a 'baseball bat' and spent time in hospital. If it happened again and defended myself successfully, i would leave them on the floor in a pool of their own vomit. I have no time for people who go around hitting people for no reason. I would not help them in any way. This may seem harsh but if its happened to you, your views on this subject weigh heavily against any honorable intentions to your attackers needs.
  5. . I never tire watching that video Its in my favorite sparring downloads folder
  6. i may be mis understood here so here is what i mean. It is on the video taken from the irish open
  7. What ideas or techniques do you use to keep motivated. Those of us who have trained for numerous years in the martial arts what keeps you ticking?
  8. Why in TKD do people bounce up and down whilst doing forms. Im not being rude or picky but say against a judo fighter this would be great to see. The balance would already be broken as the TKD exponent rose up. This subject is not a 'my style verses your style' argument, its just something i don't understand as high on your toes is where i don't want to be .
  9. I highly recommend the elbows like bushido man96 says. They soon get the message that the line of attack is blocked via that route. Of course though they may return the favor
  10. I can see it being good for 'TKD' as a whole but, the big difference is the sparring style The 'ITF' guys would not want to lose their rights, of punching to the face in sparring. If this becomes the case as the olympic style 'WTF' uses punches to the body only, then more clubs will form break away groups.
  11. good day and welcome to this great place
  12. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7944092810804910029 This is another part, check out the ''shinai'' strikes to the head
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