i dont think it should be rebuilt, it should be kept as a memorial(spelling?) if its rebuilt it would be like, well it was destroyed, but they rebuilt it again so its ok
the adam and steve thing was a joke my R.E told me once, the thing about gay adoption is if you dont mind gay people they should be able to adopt, if you hate gay people they shouldn't be able to adopt.
ive been obsessed with martial arts, gym and the whole fitness thing for ages... but i brought Final Fantasy X and im sooo obsessed it, when i have nothing to do im on my pc trying to improve my workout, but now all ive done is play that
i've always said ox just because it is my chinese calender thing, im also a taurus good combo eh? But when i completed metal gear solid it told me i was a panda
there is no tekken 3 for ps3, but there is tekken tag tournament which is brill, but tekken 4 comes out in a month, but its probs already out in the states
the only person who talks posh is the queen and her family, american accents suck, i hate how they speak in central america. the mexican bloke from next friday with the hat over his eyes, now his account is wicked
problems with being obese is a very high chance of becoming type 2 diabetic i go to the biggest gym in my town theres quite a few overweight people go there and they say there trying to lose weight but they do the easiest workout possible. i think it mostly comes down to being pure lazy [ This Message was edited by: Mankr on 2002-07-08 16:29 ]