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nonpuritan's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. when practicing my xingyi forms I like to listen to INET chinese classical on live365.com, when working out I prefer rap like Wu tang Clan tho... or the occasional hardcore rock such as metallica or sometimes even nirvana... heh im a wierdo.
  2. hey your right, my bro told me that so I was just going on it... I went and watched the movie again and realised your right... hehe
  3. Ive just started my Hsing-I training (xing yi quan) and its awesome! Im also about to start learning Black Tiger style =)
  4. SubmissionFighter i think youve got it mixed up, in The One didnt the good one do Xing yi and the bad one do baguazhang???? Ive heard somewhere else also that the bad one did chi kung.... who knows...
  5. Ok I live in portland OR, and I am looking for a GOOD mauy thai place, not just some mcdojo. I already tryed out thid place called Northwest fighting arts, but it was an american who also taught like 7 other different MA classes I mean talk about mcdojo... So does anyone know any good places in Portland OR???? PLZ help me!!!! [ This Message was edited by: nonpuritan on 2002-07-14 16:18 ]
  6. Hi my names Zach, im 14 5'9 and 140 LBS. Just one year ago I was about 5'6 and about 160lbs. It was due to the adicitve game they call DAIBLO II. Its video games like these that makes alot of kids fat these days. Last year my shchedule was" wake up play diablo for an hour before school, go to shcool and think about Diablo all day, get home and play diablo for 7 hours untill bedtime. It was HORRIBLE, it was like worse than drugs. You get sucked in, even if you dont think you are. At the beggening of this year I still played but my male hormones kicked in (puberty) and I started noticeing something more amazing than diablo, girls! With this new obsession I quit diablo and started getting excercise and what not, and Ive lost about 20 lbs this year. Me and my friends look at my picture at the beggening of the year and me now and we all go "what happened?, that doesnt look like you!" Kids these days are getting fat because of parents who dont have enough time due to work to cook them a proper meal so they just them a pizza, and the new game craze of online games. Its sick if you ask me, look at the world 50 years ago, nobody was really obese, kids were all the same basic figure. It scares me to think of what this world will be like in 50 years...... [ This Message was edited by: nonpuritan on 2002-07-13 05:26 ]
  7. Im only 14 and I go to the gym everyday. I dont think its hard on me at all, I just dont strain myself to hard... But if your looking for something to REALLY excercise your theighs/calfs/legs in general try taking up skatebaording or snowboarding. After doing both for about 3 year my theighs are hard as rock and when I go to the gym with my 2 friends who are both 14 also I can do about 200lbs pounds more than them on the leg press, thats how good boarding is after 3 years.
  8. Hmm I also do the thing where you pull the bar down behind you, doesnt that work out your back? lol....
  9. My favorite stance I would use in a real fight is the muay thai basic stance. It seems the most logical realistic stance for a real fight.
  10. My favorite thing about wushu (I dont actually take it, my brother does but he passes on techniques to me...) is the butterfly kick! Its so awesome but hard I think. My brother is 17 and can do it with an extra twist, it looks soooo awesome!
  11. No I wish I did! sounds like my dreams heh. But back when I was younger (age 4-12) I took TKD with my best 2 best friends, it was fun, we did everything together, thats how I actually got into MA, goodtimes.
  12. LOL im just starting high school next year! I have gemoitry first period *zzzZZZZZZZ* but yea I think I will enjoy computer programming the most, cuz im good at that kinda **** heh.
  13. 3rd Dan black belt street fighter 2 5th dan black belt tekkan tag tournament 2nd dan black belt tekkan 4 1st dan black belt virtual fighter 3 ;p ;p ;p ;p ;p
  14. Now thats its summer I go to the gym just about everyday with my 2 good friends. Im only 14 but I use my brother as my wieght trainer heh. I usually do 3 reps of like 20/15/12 for just about everything. My daily work out usually consists of: warmups (sit ups and dumbells) then I go to usually work the shoulders, triceps and biceps. Then I go do calfs and and theighs. Then I end it with the bench. By the way I bench about 130 and legpress about 350.
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