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Everything posted by Geminias

  1. So, several months ago I went to round house kick a guy and as he pulled out of my range my foot slammed into his elbow. The injury is down by the big toe, right before any of the toes. I can both extend and flex all my toes, so i know I didn't break them. However, if i try to do lunges or frog walks that area hurts from being flexed or extended. I can walk fine with no pain. I was just wondering how long it would take to heal completely.
  2. 1.) I've recently made the switch from traditional martial arts into MMA. I was wondering how I break myself from pulling my kicks/punches etc. at the last moment. I feel I have great technique but, I don't seem to be able to follow through. 2.) Is it natural to feel real low energy levels after sparring? I'm aware that it takes a lot of energy to spar but, after sparring I often feel more drained than I would if we were doing a full day of circuit/cardio training.
  3. I believe the title tells it all, how should I go about delivering faster kicks. I stretch a lot and I think this helps but i was wondering if anyone had anymore advice. I also cross train with a lot of swimming, i find this helps endurance as well as leg strength. Humbly, Geminias
  4. Geminias

    Chito Ryu

    I was wondering if anyone had heard of this style? My university has hired someone to teach traditional martial arts, in addition to my sensei. I was just curious because after googling the instructors name I saw that she had reached her 5th degree black belt in what would appear to be 5 years. Thats a black belt per year, which I find to be exceedingly fast.
  5. If you're coming to cincinnati, I'd highly recommend stopping by Holley Sensei's dojo. He teaches shotokan karate, and he's very good.
  6. So it is pretty well accepted that listening to music can give you extra boosts in the gym, so what kind of music do you like to listen to while training in your style/gym?
  7. While training for other sports you think about how the training is going to help your kicks/punches/etc
  8. Ok, So I know this has a little bit with personal gratification, but I was hoping that someone could suggest exercises to increase the strength of my legs. I see people who can hold their legs up by their heads and stuff. Also, I was wondering if anyone could suggest some speed drills for kicking.
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