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  • Location
    Grand Rapids, MI
  • Interests
    Hunting, bodybuilding, archery, off-road
  • Occupation
    Auto Technician in training

dreambig73's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I don't feel it is really it's own MA. Case in point: the last UFC when they had Mercer vs. Kimbo. Neither of them are martial artists. Mercer is a former boxer and Kimbo is a street fighting thug who just happened to have a cult following and managed to get Bas Rutten to train him on the ground. I have to believe that a good street fighter could get in there an hold their own under UFC rules. Remember Tank Abbott. Hated MA and did pretty well when UFC was new. I enjoy watching it, but it lacks the style and tradition that makes martial arts what they are: ARTS.
  2. There are only a couple schools here in my area that teach MMA, but they generally teach some form of karate and you can only get into the MMA after you have earned your black belt. That being said, my opinions are kind of mixed (no pun). While I do enjoy watching MMA matches as well as kick boxing, karate, etc., I just find it funny when someone talks about MMA like it is it's own discipline. While it is being taught as a stand-alone fighting style, one cannot forget what it really is: a combination of several disciplines (hence the name). The reality is that a good striker can beat a good wrestler if he can keep on his feet, just as a good wrestler can beat a good striker on the ground. I do agree with some who think that people are more interested in the fighting than the discipline and tradition behind the martial arts that make up MMA.
  3. Does anyone know if the competitors in World Combat League are paid or do they fight for free (i.e., amateur)?
  4. The show is on the Versus (Vs.) channel on cable. I only managed to catch it by accident, but it was on from 5 pm to 8 pm.
  5. The driver was unable to leave as he was nearly unconscious. He was in the hospital but the prosecutor is considering charges. I think he is not cooperating because the police still don't know if he has insurance. He had a .2 BAC and had cocaine in his system.
  6. I finally got to watch a couple episodes last night. Pretty cool. There were a couple good knockouts and the girls really went at it! One guy actually got DQ for being too passive. Do you think it will catch on? I like it because it is full contact/kickboxing. MMA is cool but isn't as exciting to me anymore.
  7. Anyone ever see "Gymkata" with Michael Dudikoff? Very out there.
  8. The only silver lining in the situation is that the van was parked in the road. We are just thankful that he hit it instead of a person driving further down the road.
  9. O.K. let's try this again, shall we?LOL [/img]http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/2761/jennycar1rv8.th.jpg%5B/img%5Dhttp://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7694/drunkdriver1at2.th.jpg' alt='drunkdriver1at2.th.jpg'>[/img]
  10. I bowhunt and like to fish (although no time lately). I just love being in the woods.
  11. I am reading "Great Lakes Shipwrecks and Survivals" by William Ratigan. A good read, especially the Carl D. Bradley and Edmund Fitzgerald.
  12. My sis's van was parked legally in the road. A drunk driver was doing 60 in a 35 zone. Here is the result. First time posting pics. Hope I did it right. http://www.karateforums.com/album_pic.php?pic_id=412 /http://www.karateforums.com/album_pic.php?pic_id=411
  13. Wow, bushido, that sounds like a good one if you want to punish your abs, or yourself for that matter! I might have to try that one.
  14. Lie on your back and have your training partner stand over your head, facing your feet. Grab your partner's ankles for support. Bring your legs up, keeping them straight. When they are at 90 degrees have your partner push them down. You try to keep your feet from touching the ground.
  15. Two of the worst I have seen are "Tiger Heart" and "No Retreat, No Surrender." Van Damme was in the latter and it was kind of a joke. Also, anything with Sasha Mitchell!
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