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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Green belt in shotokan karte, and know a little about alot of other styles, but not from schools such as kung fu, muay thai, tai kwon do, and weapons
  • Location
    Laurel, Mississippi
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a_ninja's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. Well I take shotokan karate and We are not allowed to kick or punch anybody in the face, but we can kick and hit to the side of the head, and we cant target anything below the belt.
  2. well i would not want to take in a three pronged staff because it is to able to work back and hit you, its hard to use, and easy to grab
  3. this is one thing that i have always wondered about, but i have never actually looked into it
  4. My number one is bruce lee (for obvious reasons) but i am also fasinated with jet li because of his amazing feat on winning the mma championship of the world when he was only 11
  5. Well before i get into a fight i am terrified, but i dont freeze up i just try to block too much stuff, but when they start to hit me if i get mad that fear is overcome.
  6. well i dont know if you would call this intimidation, but i always look into my opponents eyes and i will move my hands in a sort of mysticaly slow way before i strike to make my opponent confused (this doesnt always work by the way)
  7. I have heard a myth that people have the ability to enter someones dream by their own or even by meditaton, if anyone has any info about this please discuss it.
  8. I have heard of this technique that you can use during meditation and it sounds very mystical and possibly mythilogical. well they say that when you meditate you are supposed to search for a doorway, and that doorway leads to a place called the void and it is supposed to be mad up of everyones imaginatons that enterd it. It is said that once there you will see other people who have also entered the void, and you can interact with them( or fight) if anyone has any info for me on this please tell me.
  9. well i would first try to break their arm on my neck if they wernt to solid and if not i would try to get my feet in between him and kick off
  10. well the only thing i can think of is move out of the way, but i think there is a deeper answer and i would really like to hear it.
  11. Well i think that if there was only one person then stay and fight, but get a weapon if you see one around, but if theres more than one pick up a weapon and run, but thats just my opinion
  12. Well i don know any good books, but if you goolge it im sure you can find something
  13. Well dont get bummed out abt that kinda thing, its happened to probably all of us, just practice all your forms, not just the advanced forms, work out regularly, practice your basics now and then, and eat right( that was a real problem for me for a while because i was so skinny that my punches were very fast and they looked hard, but they lacked power, i also grew very tired during class)
  14. well i beleive that you should just put all your body into it, and just have your mind set, and also only twist your fist out at the end of the punch... im not sure if there is such things as ki and chi, i have experimented but had no sucess so all my power is from my mind and body
  15. Well i would first off try to break the arm holding my throat... I could probably take the one punch, but no more than one, then i would mount him and start pounding his nose
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