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  • Martial Art(s)
    Kali, TKD, judo (formerly)
  • Location
  • Occupation
    assistant scientist
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niel0092's Achievements

Brown Belt

Brown Belt (7/10)



  1. I think you missed the point. What I'm saying is that in Kali you will be challenged mentally, and that the mental challenge is a large part of kali. While in Thai boxing getting a solid workout and sweating alot is integral to their training. If you are not challenged mentally while doing Kali it might as well not BE Kali, just as if you are not sweating in Thai boxing then you probably aren't really doing thai boxing at all. No comparison to the various techniques of these styles was made. Both are wonderful and very different arts.
  2. Exactly! I knew you guys/gals would understand.
  3. I did a bit of sca so in this situation I'd like a shield and a gladius. Parry with the shield, bash it in the opponents face, stabity stabity stabity your way to victory I'd like to say a dagger and kali stick but I'm just not quite good enough with that yet.
  4. I heard a neat quote the other day that made me feel much better when training Kali. "Kali without confusion is like Thai boxing without sweat." Doesn't really happen does it? As much as I learn, there's always still something to trip me up and make me scratch my head in utter confusion. I love it. Train hard folks.
  5. I'm actually going to the Vikings game this week. Cant wait to beat the tar outta Detroit!
  6. Lately I've been getting some pain in my left hand middle finger knuckle when I punch. It's on the appropriate knucke for punching (ie I'm hitting with the correct part of my fist) and I'm not having any wrist problems of any sort. I currently use a Century Wrap glove when I do focus mit drills but I'm thinking of changing it up to another glove with more padding to better protect my hands. -We do LOTS of punching on focus mits, thai pads, and heavy bags. Has anyone experienced this before? How did you improve your situation? Did you see a doctor about it and what did they suggest? It's uncomfortable to hit hard with my left hand but I'm sure it's not broken. There's also not any bruising. Should I look into hand wraps to wear with my gloves and how does one wrap their hands anyway?
  7. I'm really enjoying kali. I've done single and double stick, and some dagger also. I missed the palm stick and balisong class last week though. Man, was I mad about that! I've also enjoyed pannantukan which is the empty hand portion of Kali aka Philipino boxing.
  8. Ouch. Well I may root against the Pack when they play us but even I would be sad if they didn't score a single point. Chances are they'll do it against the Vikes... LOL
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