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Everything posted by kickmaster

  1. Hey go to this web-site it will help you a little bit: http://muhenkwoon.tripod.com/ Here is a couple to get you started I have more if you need them.
  2. Juice, Go to this web-page: http://www.jeet-kune-do.info/jun_fan_trapping2.htm And go to this web-site and click the scroll bar for other trapping techniques. This will help out your training a little bit. Good luck with your JKD. I have been doing it for a couple of monts and I love it....
  3. Jun Fan, (William Cheung was attacked from behind and was wearing demo wing chun slippers on a POLISHED hard wood floor.) One some of us in the past used to spar on a ice pond. So we would have experience on slippery surfaces. It wasn't easy but we learned how to do it. (Wing Chun's range is NOT grappling on the ground) See that's what is wrong with these classical systems. I study JKD and yes we do have groundfighting. See what happens when you don't study any ground work you get your @ss kicked!!! If you are smart you better learn how to fight from the ground since 9 out of 10 fights end up on the ground. (Had that taken place with normal shoes on or on cement, Emin would've gotten mopped) Well if that were to be true why didn't WC set a date and " the right conditions" for a rematch. Well his private lessons didn't do him one bit of good. Maybe he should have took up some private's from Bruce L. at least he would of leard some groundfighting. And yes Bruce did study groundfighting. I'm not saying that's all you should do. It's important to learn how to fight and win from every fighting range...... Like I said I'm glad that I study JKD. At least I'll be able too fight from any fighting range can you? [/i]
  4. Yeah I have studied Shaolin and I think it is worthless!! That's why I switched to JKD. To me this is the best system out there. We train in every fighting range. Punching, kicking, trapping, and groundfighting. If you want to learn all fighting ranges(we have 7 in our system) without MA BS then go study JKD..........
  5. Does anyone here have the high top or the low cut shoes? If so do you like them, and do you recommend them to anyone.
  6. Thai Kick, I agree with you 100 percent. That's why I started training in JKD. We also train in JKD grappling/groundfighting. Also MT I like that a lot. Since I studied TKD in the past MT is a little easier for me than some other beginners. Thats what I like about JKD everything just seems to flow in this art. If Shaolin and other kung-fu systems are the total package then why do they get beat by grapplers so much? Because they aren't the total package. I think JKD is one of the most effective systems because they deal with just about everthing..........
  7. Anyone one here studing JKD? I just signed up this week and WOW!! Now I know what I have been missing. JKD is what I have been wanting to do. I know 1 thing I just love it. My Instructor is awesome and a cool guy. I look forward to every class.
  8. What Kung-Fu style does Davis Carradine study? Is it Shaolin Kung-fu or is it something different?
  9. [color=red][/color] Well in my system of Shaolin kung-fu our animal system contains of: [color=blue][/color]Dragon Tiger Snake Crane Mantis [color=red][/color]Elements are: [color=blue][/color]Metal Water Wood Fire Earth [color=red][/color]I can't tell you what the first animals that were used in earlier kung fu systems. I hope this helps.........
  10. EpicMasterpiece, I study Shaolin kung-fu. I like it. I don't know much about Bak Fu Pai (White Tiger) kung fu. So I can't help you there. All I know is that I wanted to study Kung-Fu for a very long time. I have a Shaolin Kung-Fu where I live and it is awesome. All I can say is go to a few classes and then decide which art might be for you. I hope you enjoy which ever style that you pick, and I don't think you could go wrong by studing Kung-Fu........
  11. Go to this web forum maybe some of the people there can help you.. They dicuss a lot of different kung-fu styles. I'm sorry I can't help, I study Shaolin kung-fu......
  12. Here is the story according to William Cheung. I'll warn you it's a long story. Let me know what you guys think... http://www.enteract.com/~weishaar/martial/docs/cheung_attack
  13. That's a first, I never heard that before, and as fit as he was I don't think he would do that, unless he did that when he was in college. I say it's an ugly rumor, if it is for real I'll be very suprised...
  14. Taichi4eva, Thanks for the info, I'm going to watch "Shaolin Temple" and see how awesome he really is...
  15. Does anyone here know what style/styles that Jet Li has studied?
  16. No such thing as spot reducing. Here try this: Diet & Exercise=Fat loss. That's it sorry no wonder pill or wonder program just hard work and cut back on the calories....
  17. I agree. They think that bjj is the best fighting system out there. I know it's a good system, I don't have anythink against ground fighting but the last thing I want to do is ground fight in a street fight. If I have to then I will but I rather be on me feet. I know a guy who went to the ground and got beat bad. Your are a sitting duck if someone joins in the fight... Just my 2 cents worth..
  18. I was surfing the net and came aross this thead. These people are so closed minded its really sad... http://www.adcombat.com/ubbADCC_Forum/ubb/Forum1/HTML/007273.html
  19. Flash, Are the Adidas Tyrint good for kicking or are they just good for grappling? How good are they for pivoting on the carpet or hardwood floors?
  20. Does anyone here wear kicking shoes, if so what brand, and do you like them? Which brand is better Otomix The Original "Lite" Athletic Shoe or Adidas Martial art shoe #A100. [ This Message was edited by: kickmaster on 2002-07-12 19:20 ]
  21. Has anyone here ever studied Chinese Shaolin boxing? If so do you like it and would it be a good fighting art for self-defense?
  22. Blade13, Thankyou for your reply. I thought it meant the same thing but I wasn't sure. I'm going to be studying Shaolin chan gung-fu. I just wanted to know if there was a difference and there isn't thanks buddy.....
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