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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. lord tarial, I cant believe you are using that IT quote at the end of your signature, its cringe worthy
  2. I agree with that, I think from what I have learned in the short time I have been studying Karate is that you need balance in your training. You need sparring you need kata you need line drills. I enjoy all aspects of training and for different reasons. Sparring alone wont help you develop your leg muscles like kata does with its exagerated stances and movements. But on the other hand kata wont help you with your timing and distance and line drills are great for working on your technique. So IMHO a little bit of all aspects of MA training will help you become a better fighter. As is pointed out above in previous posts boxers dont just spar they do a multitude of other types of training.
  3. If you have broken skin on your fist you should wait for it to heal properly before resuming your makiwari training. Otherwise you risk infection and also worsening the cut.
  4. Sorry if I am covering old ground here, I haven't read the whole thread (it is 53 pages!). If kata doesn't make you a complete fighter how is it that karate exists at all today as a martial art, when prior to Master Funakoshi's introduction of kumite karate was learned and practised by kata alone? If the martial artists of old, were able to defend themselves successfully and if expressions like 'if you choose to land a karate blow then be in no doubt that that one blow decides everything' (Master Funakoshi) mean anything, then we have to assume that kata practice is integral to martial arts.
  5. Okay, I've been away for a while, as I moved house at the beginning of the year and have only just had time recently (inbetween DIY jobs) to start surfing the net again! As you may remember last time I posted I was moving to Stafford and looking for a new dojo. I managed to find a GKR dojo near to where I live and thought before I changed styles, I would give it a couple of lessons and see how it went. What I have found is that the karate taught varies from region to region. My new Sensei teaches the GKR system, but also adds in extra instruction that is outside the basic GKR syllabous. We use focus pads and also a bag, we also do 5 step sparring something which is missing from the standard GKR approach. He is also very precise in his teaching of kata and often makes us repeat a form over and over until it is correct. Having attended a few lessons since moving I have decided to stay with GKR and see where it takes me. I am enjoying my training, I read around as well, so I feel I am getting a balance in my karate.
  6. Can someone explain what is meant by Several people have made similar comments to the one above. My question is: Too late for what? I mean unless the individual is extremely old, or becomes permenantly injured when does it become too late?
  7. Yes it is getting better each day, I just got a bit worried because it didn't really hurt (after the initial dead leg) to begin with but then after a few days it really started to ache when I walked on it. But it is now reducing and as I said I have done a couple of 6 miles runs on it.
  8. Hi all, I am just after a little advice regarding an injury I picked up rather foolishly on Christmas Day. After more than a few drinks I ended up doing a little 'semi contact' sparring with my brother (who has not practiced karate for probably 18 years or so...). Anyway one thing led to another and the sparring got a little more intense we both went for mawashi geri on the same side (my left his right) his kick was initiated first and his foot made rather a powerfull contact with my left shin as I was attempting my kick. I thought it was no more than a dead leg at the time and there is no visible bruising. However it is a little stiff and sore in the mornings until I start moving around then it is ok. Do I need to worry about this or not? Is it just a bruised muscle/bone? I should add that I have been for 2 6 mile runs since and done 1 karate practice session with no reaction. Thanks in advance. (and please no judgemental posts as I am aware of the foolishness of my actions)
  9. I am still working through the routines that were suggested to me on this thread earlier and have noticed a significant improvement in both my balance and technique. As has been discussed on other threads we practice no-contact sparring at my dojo and we dont do any bag work. I want to incorporate bag work into my kicking as I have just got a bag at home. Any suggestions on routines etc?
  10. chillindan

    Flat Feet

    I also have flat feet and have not found a problem yet., although I have only been training for around 5 months. I also do quite a lot of running as well and this has not caused me any suffering either.
  11. Well after receiving some good advice on this thread and another one I have ordered Nakayamas Best Karate vol 1 book, along with John van Weenans Beginner to Black Belt book. I have also purchased the GKR kata DVD for the first three kata (taigyoko shodan, taigyoko nidan and saifa) and also a DVD called beginner to black belt demonstrated by Serge Chouraqui. I have got the DVDs and they are great Im just waiting for the books to arrive. I have found that they make practice at home easier though, as you can refer to a specific technique to check you are doing it right. Of course this is a suppliment to my regular dojo training, but when you do a job like me that can mean travelling all over the country it is sometimes difficult to get to more than 1 lesson a week, sometimes 2 if I am lucky!
  12. Yes, I have been really trying to do the 'rechambering' thing and I have felt it makes a difference to the control I have during the execution of the kick. I have also seen the kata performed by different people (with different amounts of experience) and it always looks much better when it is performed this way. When people dont rechamber it kind of looks like they kick and then 'fall' forwards in an out of control manner.
  13. OK, Ive been doing this now for a couple of weeks at the end of each workout. What I want to know is, what is the best way to include it in a routine? I mean I'm currently going 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1, but its going to get to the point where this needs increasing and I would like your suggestions on the best way to increase it.
  14. I am still noticing my stretching improving, but when it does plateau, what would you suggest changing? This is what I currently do: straddle splits - hold for 20 secs x 3 increasing the stretch each time whilst in the splits I stretch down to each foot holding for 20 secs x 3 again increasing the stretch each time then i do seated groin stretches again holding for 20 secs x 3 increasing each time finally I tuck one leg into my groin and stretch down to my foot on the other leg again holding for 20 secs x 3 on each leg By the end of this I feel nice and loose and go into my kicking routine, which is based on what was recommended in this thread. Followed by going through each of my kicks (front kick, side kick and round kick) slow, medium and fast all times 10 reps. This all takes around 30 minutes, give or take and I do this routine twice a week in addition to classes twice a week and twice weekly runs of around 5-6 miles (I stretch as described above before/after each session). I am really keen to keep my improvement going so any more advise on how to maintain my improvement would be very welcome.
  15. Bushido, have you got any examples of drills/training that I can do, in between classes to improve?
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