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Everything posted by sentry

  1. Kensai i'm telling you the pot didn't kill him,and why is it a big disgrace that he used a little hash? If you had all the professional and personal stress he had you might have smoked the occasional spliff too. For the last time everybody it was the reaction to the pain killer he took from that actresses chick that killed him.
  2. First off let me state that i do not use pot or any other drugs( I have tried pot a few times but i hated the way it made me fill) Ok here is the thing Bruce didn't somke pot but he did eat hash brownies.Also smoking pot doesn't affect martial arts ability,look at the pro wrestler Rob Van Dam he is a martial artist and is probably the best wrestler out there right now and he smokes alot of pot.And finally nobody in the history of the world has ever died from pot, in other words you can't od on it.
  3. I was diagnosised with severe depression when i was 15. I'm 22 now so i have a good deal of expierence. Ad things do sound paticulary bad for you.If it gets too bad you may want to see a therapist or maybe even a psychiatrist and see if you should try some anti-depressiants.
  4. Does anybody here collect those old kung fu movies ? If so how many do you have and which is your favorite one?
  5. what sites do you like to go to when you're bored? It doesn't matter whether it is martial art related or not.
  6. I heard William Shatner has a black belt in American Kenpo.
  7. Can birds crossbreed I mean you never see any mutt birds do you???
  8. Does anybody here know anyplace or any books where i can read about Kara-Ho Kenpo or could somebody give me a brief style description? thanks
  9. I read where this one guy named Uri Gellar (anybody else ever heard of him) says that along time ago people used to use more that 10% of their brain capacity and they could do things like read minds,move objects with their mind and even fly .
  10. I've bought a heavy bag and some other stuff from Century. Since i live in oklahoma i sometimes drive up to the store to buy stuff and to tell you the truth the people that work their are kinda rude and hardly ever ask if you need any help.
  11. have you people been experimenting with the holy herb? j/k
  12. They don't practice any. They just do self defense techniques and the like.
  13. I've seen some schools that use a red and black belt and call it a pre-black belt. Oh yeah i also saw a school that use a brown belt with a black stripe and they also called it a pre-black belt.
  14. I've subscribed since 96' and i think I'm going to let my subscription run out . It's starting to seem like it's the same thing every month.
  15. Ok, most everybody believes Frank Dux is a complete fraud. (After all the stuff i've heard i kinda have to belive he is too ) So say you're one of the people that belives he made everything up and then you see a demo of his style and you are totally blown away. It's just the greatset thing you've ever seen. Would you want to learn Dux Ryu considering all the other stuff?
  16. bruce lee. defiantly bruce lee
  17. hey everybody. i'm a 22 year old male from oklahoma . i'm a black belt in itf taekwondo, been doing martial arts since i was 5. anyways i look foward to tallking to everybody here
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