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Everything posted by kstinson

  1. For everyday training, Juka Gold For Jiu Jitsu work Dragao Kmono
  2. Well, currently I'm away at university and can only make it back into my old dojo once every couple of weeks, however back when I lived in the same city (and as soon as I'm home for summer break) I'll hopefully be back up to about 12-16+ hours at the dojo
  3. Mine is cotton, has the tag for Mikado at one end and the kanji for shodan at the other. IMO, there should be no writting of any sort at all on a belt (I still dislike the writing on mine a tad, but it has grown on me) as traditionally there would be none, it is a western addition to the karate belt system
  4. IMO, a 13 year old child does not have the emotional or mental capacity to attain the rank of black belt if training in a traditional art. He simply cannot understand the technique, the bio mechanics, the history, the theory or anything else that comes with training for Black Belt (not to mention they're still growing so their technique will all change). I am a firm believer in not giving black belts out under 18 years old. My dojo, we go through a grueling 6 month daily black belt prep before we are considered for the grading. My first attempt (at months 5 I think), after 16+ hours of training a week I was told I wasn't allowed to grade that year. I ended up with an additional 12 months of grading prep and eventually did grade on my 18th birthday. Looking back now, that one rejection was probably the best thing that has ever happened to me in my life because it showed me more about my personality, my commitment and my strengths then any grading could have. Now I ask you this, can a 13 year old really have the mental ability to understand this? Don't get me wrong, I have met and trained with some very very serious and mature 13 and 14 year olds, but have they experienced enough in life to go forward to black belt? In my opinion, no. On a few other points, I have occasionally instructed junior classes as a brown belt. I enjoy very much instructing classes. I am not horribly opposed to non-black belts teaching class as they may yet understand the technique enough to teach. It was also said earlier that what happens if a kid reaches brown and has to wait until hes an adult to grade, putting him the system for 8 years. Whats wrong with training for 8 years. I trained for 11 and a half before I graded for black. Some people I know trained longer and have just gotten or are soon to grade for black. Keep in mind that historically, you would be training every day for 20+ years one on one with a master before you became proficient in a martial art. This is something, I feel, that we have all lost touch with in society based on rushing though such a major thing as a black belt (which should rank among your top 10 accomplishments easily). but that's just my two cents. One last ting, I saw this comment come up a few times. What is a McDojo or a McSensei? Enjoy, Kevin
  5. Hey everyone, I learnt a Kata some time ago and, though I remember it well, the name seems to elude me. I was wondering if anyone could help me out. It is a Okinawan Goju kata, very similar to Gekisai Dai Ichi, however starts with 2 advancing punches and two retreating low blocks before going into the pattern of the Gekisai katas. I remember there being Ichi in the name, however the rest eludes me. Anybody have any clues? Cheers, kevin
  6. I only learnt this move a year ago officially, meaning that's when I was high enough rank to actually use it, and I can't get it right either. I would never use it in tournament sparring, even if the tournament does allow it(Depends on the tournament where I live). I just use it in my Brown/Black belt class just to have fun, but still suck at doing it.
  7. Hi everybody, I'm Kevin and I am absolutly thrilled about having found this site. I have been training in Goju Ryu style Karate for almost 10 years now with the Academy of Martial Arts, an organization of various dojos spread across Canada and the United states. I am from Mississauga, a large city next to Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I just received my second level Brown belt less than two weeks ago (I train with a three level brown belt system) and study the martial arts with a passion (the Martial way of life as Miyamoto Mushashi puts it). Anyway, I am glad to join such a great community and I am pleased to have found such a great place outside of the dojo to discuss the martial arts.
  8. I train in Goju Ryu Karate and am very interested in finding a kata that I can use my Wakizashi in. I have sometimes used it instead of a tonbo in Sequin No Tonbo at tournaments, however was always penalised for not using the right kind of weapon (I knew it would happen, so the kata was more for show then to actually win something). I really want a good wakizashi kata, preferably from the Goju style but another style would be nice as well. Thanks everyone for your help in this.
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