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Northren Ogre

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Purple Belt

Purple Belt (6/10)



  1. OILERS BABY!!! Bring your brooms to the next game(that is if you have about a grand to buy a ticket off a scalper)
  2. George W. Bush........just because he's George W. Bush.
  3. For a better fat loss workout, lift your weights first. Lifting weights will burn off all avaliable energy(sugars etc.) in the body, forcing the body to tap into fat stores to fuel the body for your cardio. However, if you can separate your workouts and have the oppertunity to do your cardio right after you wake up, do so before eating. your body will have to again tap into fat stores to fuel the body as all avaliable fuel sources have been spent during your sleep.
  4. I remember nights like this when I used to manage a club. We had a mix of college kids and town regulars that would clash on many an occasion, lots of oilfield workers(rig pigs), hockey teams from the neighboring towns and tree planters that would always find some one to fight.(The club was called Twister, but was renamed "Fisters" before I started running it). Every now and then we'd have a big scrum like the one you described. The most memorable being a seismic crew that waltzed in and started all sorts of trouble. I only had a staff of 3 doormen, myself, and 1 bartender who would get involved in these situations Anyways, I basically save this one jacka$$ from the seismic crew from getting a beating and he rewards me with swinging a bottle at my head! My bartender caught his hand before he smashed me in the pumpkin, and I proceeded to ground and pound this (I don't want to use the term ...man) and actually had patrons pull me off screaming " Jed, Jed, you're gonna get fired!!" One of the only times I actually hit a patron. The cops would always take their sweet time to get to these brawls, so I instructed the waitresses to tell the dispatcher that weapons were involved to get them to respond faster.
  5. Do a search on the subject here...I have typed out many a response regarding San Shou here, and am too lazy to do it again.
  6. I have used cratine as well, and I just make sure to cycle on and off it again. ussually about 6-8 weeks on and then the same period off. I found I made great gains in strength during the "on" period that would remain as I cycled off. The loss of size on the off period did'nt really bother me. And Mc Guire used roids....there is no friggan way he got that big using legal supplements. Yeah.....Bonds too.....
  7. I've broken both big toes(in different matches) in the ring, did'nt realize it then until the fight was over.
  8. I started kickboxing at age 28(had a backround in JKd before that) and after 3 months of intensive training, entered my 1st tournament (full contact San Shou) where I was banging away with these 18-21 year olds and won. Come to think of it...I never started JKD till I was 22 years old, so really 21 is young......
  9. At Gracies age, and the development of the MMA game I think he will be at a serious disadvantage against Matt Hughes. Matt Hughes is such a dominant fighter in that division with explosive power and strength that I belive he will easily overwhelm Gracie.
  10. Yeah, I don't think 2 weeks is going to condition your stomach enough to make that much of a difference. Your "hit and git" plan of attack will probably be the best you can hope for at this point.
  11. I recently found out that this was also part of a reality TV show dealing with rehabilitation that may or may not see the light of day on the ole' Television. I'll see if I can't find the article and post a link to it later.
  12. I remember growing up, I was a very small kid and was the target of pretty much all of the bullies in my school. It was embarassing to say the least, but when I finally told my father about the worst of these bullies he gave me what was probalby the best advice I ever got. My father is a no nonsense man who listened intently to my problem and then matter of factly told me"well...you're gonna have to kick his a$$" My father was a boxer and he trained me for about a month on body postitioning and combinations, so that the next time said bully started on me again I would be ready. When he came and got me from the principal's office, there wasn't a word said about me fighting in the school, simply an understanding that there comes a time to stand up for one's self. Some teachers(sensai's, instructors) understand that sometimes life can suck and that there are always reasons why things like this happen. As long as one can show restraint, experiences like this and the one with your brother can turn into positives out of what most people find distasteful.
  13. I'm willing to bet they drug him right off the short bus and slapped some trunks and gloves on him.
  14. After seeing the way that Kelly Osbourne slaps him around on T.V., I do not belive this at all.
  15. Taping your knuckles just to hit the heavy bag seems like a lot of time and wasted energy. Wraps are more than enough.
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