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Everything posted by rogue2257

  1. Exactly! I looked at getting my black belt as just another step in my journey. The information and the improvement in myself and my karate after black belt has been vast. Advancing in rank at this point is not important to me; however, advancing within myself is the key. I feel the same way now, especially in the last year or so. It doesn't matter anymore to me how many stripes I have on my belt, or where I stand in line. All I want to do is better myself and learn as much as I can.
  2. It took me about six years to get my black belt, but I started when I was seven years old, so looking back on it, the wait was probably a good thing. My instructor always tells our class that getting a black belt isn't the end of our training, but rather, the beginning. It was only when I finally understood this that I no longer resented him for holding me back. I just wasn't ready when I was younger. I've also improved more as a black belt than I ever did as a colored belt... it really is more than just one more rank.
  3. Being a big fan of the video game series, I'm not so sure I want to see it... The teaser trailers for the movie made it look like "Charlies Angels: The Fighting Game." And besides... Brad Wong isn't even in it
  4. I'm not so sure I buy into what he's talkin about. I've always understood that weapons are nothing more than an extention of our bodies, and that every hand technique is something that can be applied to weapons work. NOT the other way around.
  5. White! But everyone above third dan is allowed to wear black at my school.... so I suppose technically I could wear that...... just feels like a deviation for the norm, I guess.
  6. Hi everyone, I just wanted to welcome you all to Karate Forums! By which I clearly mean... I've been studying shotokan karate for about thirteen years and I'm a member of the Kwanmukan here in NE Ohio. I'm studying Criminal Justice at the University of Akron and I'm a part time ninja assassin on my off days! Hrm... maybe a samurai would be more approperiate with the whole karate thing... I'm a part time ninjurai on my off days! ANYWAY...feels good finally joining, long time reader, no time poster...
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