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Everything posted by KickinCroft

  1. there`s different types of kickboxing right? like there is a contact and no contact one,so what`s best? is it good to smash people up? do ya feel better afta? i need info here! so write!
  2. Heya peeps, am i fat? too fat for sports? i am 17 and am 155cms tall and 47kilos,i constantly diet (starve) then binge,it`s a vicious cycle that won`t go away,what should i do? help!
  3. Hey peeps, just wondering if you could tell tell me everything i need to know before i start kickboxing classes! i have a strong sense of determination and am desperate to get heaps fit! i currently do Acrobats and will continue to do it as well as kickboxing,will they help eachother? yur replies are really appreciated! -KickinCroft! :pony:
  4. Hello all, It`s the new gal here-KickChick! well that`s the name you know me by but Patrick is currently changing it to KickinCroft! as it is way too confusing for everyone having two KickChick`s here! after all there is only one KickChick,and that is the original KickChick that you guyz all know and love! once agin my apologies! -KickinCroft! *I am ringing the Kickboxing Club today and i`ll let you guyz know when i start! i can`t wait! :pony:
  5. Heya all, I am a 17 year old girl from Australia and have been considering taking up some sort of self-defence foe a while now but don`t know which style would be the best! as there are so many.There is a local Kickboxing club and i am considering joining it? what do you think? can anyone of any age and size do it? i am 150cms tall and 47 kilos in weight,is that suitable? the main reson i want to do it is because i am so short and would like to know some sort of self-defence if ever i needed to use it in defending myself.Also i am sick of people thinking they can say and do what they like to me just because i have a small build and i`m short! the other main reson i want to do it is to keep fit! because i love keeping active and wanna get real fit! (i currently do Acrobats just once a week but it isn`t enough!)are my reasons good?! yur replies will be real helpful to me! thanks guyz n` galz! luf KickChick! :pony:
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