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Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. Cute! I have a little red Australian terrier named Sophie. She's so adorable that she doesn't look real sometimes...
  2. I think someone's favorite movies reveal a lot about their personality. Share your favorite movie titles here...you can decide to tell why you chose the film or not, you can list just one film or twenty, list them in order of how much you like them or random order. My favorite films are "A.I. Artificial Intelligence", "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring", most films directed by Stanley Kubrick and most films directed by Luc Besson.
  3. * = shito s.h.i.t.o lol...it's censored
  4. RF_Brown, actually, Shorin-Ryu isn't one of the official major styles of karate. But it's common anyways. There's four: Wado-Ryu, Shito-Ryu, Goju-Ryu and Shotokan. Thanks for all your help!
  5. I have an important question for you: Do you, or do you not think that you are clinically depressed? If you need help answering this question, go here: http://depression.about.com/cs/amidepressed/ Or ask someone at a depression forum about depression. These people KNOW what it's like. It's true we all have some really bad times in our lives. But when you're clinically depressed, it's very different. Why else do people slice their body, and kill themselves? Most people who died by suicide were not recieving any help. So if you tell someone what they feel is normal, it could just make things worse. ad, you may or may not be clinically depressed. If you are, please see a psychiatrist. If not, maybe your problem is something totally different.
  6. Forgive me for assuming the possibility that you were not completely informed. I have a right to share my own opinions.
  7. Humans reproduce way too quickly. And dumb people have more kids than smart people. Geniuses almost never have children. Depressing as this is, why bother with the silly little things in life you can't do anything about? Why not worry about the things you CAN do, CAN change?
  8. My style
  9. The Shaolin leopard style is similar to tiger style, except it places more emphasis on agility. Both use raw power. Praying Mantis is not raw power, it's based more on strategy. Do a search on the net for more detailed info.
  10. It says that you're working on something? Thank you for responding. But I still don't know what happened to the threads that were moved.
  11. Maybe this isn't related, but I get a feeling of peace when I do internal tensho kata from white crane kung fu. I can be all hyped up and then as soon as my hands start moving...it goes away and I gain concentration. Never felt ANYTHING like that before I started MA.
  12. What's going on with all these posts that randomly disappear? I've noticed my own and others' posts missing...anyone else notice? And what'd it mean when a post is "Moved"? It's actually GONE. Is it deleted?
  13. Biggest abs mistake: Crunches Crunches are just about useless. You have to have really good form to do them right, and do a lot to get a result. Kickchick, and everyone else here have great ideas. But I'm just surprised no one's mentioned bicycles. I do 90 bicycles every other day, 3 intervals of 30. It's very difficult, but my abs are really defined now. You can see them even when my stomache is relaxed. (Still got a layer of fat over em though...) At first I could only do 30 bicycles. This just goes to show their effectiveness. Bicycles are basically crunches but they cross over and are much more difficult. You can even adjust the difficulty level by raising your back. See this website for info on bicycles and other ab excercises: http://www.coachsos.com/techniques/447.html [color=darkred][/color][size=3][/size]
  14. This might sound weird but...one day I just told myself I wanna learn to fight. So I started to take aikido, but it wasn't for me. (I wanted to learn to punch and kick...) Two years later, I again decided I wanted to learn martial arts. So I started karate. Nice avatar Tai-Kwon-Leap It's interesting to hear what got you guys started.
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