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  • Martial Art(s)
    American Freestyle

mustbnuts's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Don't expect to be able to do everything that you can normally. I am 40 years old and was still nervous. This was a small tourny, and I did O.K., but I felt I could have done better. I was beat in one match by a person from my own school who knew the game better. He is a senior belt, but I still felt I should have done better. If you want advice from a newbie I will tell you what I wish I would have done. 1) HAve two things you would like to try on your first set.That gives you options depending on their strengths. 2) Don't forget your feet or hands.Don't forget the body. 3) You don't have to be fancy to win at point KArate. It's advance tag. I was beat in my final match by a guy throwing "buddy" kicks. I would have laughed, but he kept landing the freakin' things. 4) Try to be aggressive. It's easier said then done.
  2. We had our tournament. It went fine, but I was so nervous I didn't perform as well as I could have.
  3. I have recently started, myself. I am somewhat like you, in that I have a brother that is 17 years older than me that teaches in another state. As a youth I had taken some classes when visiting and had gained an intrest. My brother teaches a very traditional form of Karate so that is what I was searching for when I began looking for a school. It is not what I ended up doing. I visted several scools and did a ton of research.For me it all came down to the instructor. I found one I trusted and a school that gave me what I wanted.
  4. I liked the bathroom fight seen in Unleashed as far as recent movies. Original
  5. Thanks for the advice, folks. I have tough competition in my own school. I will be interested in seeing how things go.
  6. Happy birthday!I turned 40 this summer and actually started training after my birthday. I wish I would have started at an earlier age ofcourse, but I do feel better than I have in 15 years.
  7. Our school is hosting a tournament in November. I am a 40 year old white belt newbie that has been studying for only around 3 months, so exuse me if I can not answer all questions. I do know that it is point scoring and I will probably be competeing against other adult under-belts. Have a bunch of questions, but I will keep it to a few: 1) Do you experianced guys do anything diffrent in the weeks, days before a tounament? 2) Is a competitor better to have an idea of what he wants to do before he goes in. I.E. force the action or let it come to you. 3)Do you tend to simplify when competing, or just let the oponent dictate your stragey? Thanks for the advice,folks.
  8. I basicallly enjoyed what I have seen. It gave some decent info. I also noticed that they were using diffrent fighters, to compare diffrent kicks.
  9. Are you familar with Tom Kelly in Wichita,Ks? He advertises to have trained directly under Mr. Parker. I strongly considerd Kenpo before I started the form I am practicing now.
  10. Thanks folks, great site. I have been reading the back pages, tons of good info...
  11. Thanks for the reply, Red and Aodhan. I am around 195lb right now, I was up to 210 before I woke up. I am 5'11" and I figure my ideal weight to be around 175-180lb. Thanks for the advice. I have been working up to running, doing some short runs and jumping rope everyday.I love to swim, but it's just not handy for me. I live in a rural area and it's quite a distance to a YMCA. Thanks alot folks....
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