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Everything posted by Dobbersky
Motion Carried Socks it is!!! Court Dismissed
Marmaduke-san I can completely Understand where you are coming from because I have a Teenage Daughter who tends to not perform as well as I know she could do. Possible unlike you and me, our children have had us influencing their childhood with martial arts since they were young. My daughter is now a brownbelt (3rd Kyu) and my Sensei Passed her, where as I was on the verge of failing her. She gives 70% effort not 110% like me In Ashihara the Kata is very different and I would put even Shoshin Kata 9th Kyu Kata in the same technical area and Pinan Sandan As a Wado Ryu Practioner (ex Tang Soo Do practioner), I understand the complexity of traditional kata. Tekki Shodan or Naihanchi in Wado is a 2nd Kyu Kata. This Kata is an excellent Kata if performed correctly. Remember Miyagi's famous words Karate must have good roots like a tree must have good roots I would actually be proud of my child performing a lower grade kata as long as I knew that they performed it with 110% effort. Another reason is, Put a Purple belt and a Blackbelt together, and ask them to perform say Pinan Shodan (Heian Nidan), I would guarantee the Blackbelts performance would outway the purple belt's version Don't be too harsh on your son, remember we were all young once. Osu
All Axe Kick This is also a valid technique in many Kyokushin, Seidokan and Ashihara, Enshin Dojo's and in Competitions too I believe the Current K1 Champ SEMMY SCHILT and GLAUBE FEITOSA who are Kyokushin based fighter have won many bouts with this technique Osu
Northerndragon, Let me ask you a question. Do you speak alot about your previous styles and experience to the rest of the Kyu Grades etc? I wonder as being a Dan Grade and an Instructor myself. I experienced a feeling of resentment especially when I was asked to take the warm up a few times for my Wado Ryu class by the Sensei there, where I am a lower Kyu Grade. And this seemed to be from a Purple belt (one grade up from Blue). I only state that I have previous experience when I am asked. But everyone in the class knows now. I tend to find that Middle Kyu grades tend to be more 'unforgiving' as they're not quite there yet. This is why there is such a gap between kyu grades and Shodan. Its about the person not the belt. hence why most Dan grades tests are upon invitation only
Northern Dragon Yes Enshin is a offshot of Ashihara, Kancho Ninomiya was Ashihara O Sensei' Student in Kyokushin and when Ashihara O Sensei left Kyokushin Kancho Ninomiya was Ashihara O Sensei' Right Hand Man - Probably assisting Ashihara O Sensei with the 'Throwing' aspects of the style (Kancho Ninomiya was a Judo Champ before joining Kyokushin). Kissakai I believe is actually an Offshot of Shotokan one of it founders is Shihan Ian Morris who was part of the Original UK Karate Team who beat the Japanese back in the 70's Ashihara Round kick comes up from the front then whips around at the last second - similar to the Kyokushin round kick. Osu
Ashihara Karate tend to use the shin for the round kicks for Gedan and Chudan Height, whereas instep/shin for Jodan. But we tend to use the shins to block the kicks too. I think Kyokushin also use the shin etc. I believe this was observed in the Matches between Kyokushin and Muay Thai wher Kyokushin came back the Victors Osu
Guys Can no-one advise where abouts these 14 neck breaks are in this Kata. PM me if you do not wish to add the details on the thread. Note, I may be a Kyu Grade in Wado Ryu, but I am an Instructor in Ashihara Karate. osu
I read a book which stated that Bassai Dai had 14 Neck Break techniques in it. I honestly can't see where they are, but maybe that's because I am only upto Pinan Yodan and in my particular school I this is a Black Belt Kata. Osu
Found this on YouTube You may have to open youtube then seach under Hanroquem Sensei, Sempai, Kohai I've viewed it but I am not to keen on children below the age on 14 taking part in a full contact Competions. I can understand they're all padded up. I am Ashihara based but I Only allow touch sparing for my kids and young adults. Once they're 18 then thats theirs to decide. None the less I can see them becoming Excellent Champions in say 12-15 years time Osu
Sensei, Sempai and Kohai One thing I seem to chuckle resepctfully at - is that a Blackbelt in one style is not considered a Blackbelt in another style, unless its for a Kumite. But yes I totally agree with you regards entering as a Blackbelt as a different Skill level is required and entering as a Kyu grade would put me at unfair Advantage. Osu
Sensei, Sempai and Kohai Please advise what the difference are between the 2 types of Kumite. I would love to take part in a Wado Ryu Kumite competition but don't want to be disqualified for 'Illegal techniques' please advise Also, I am a blackbelt in Ashihara but Kyu Grade in Wado Ryu, do I enter as a Kyu Grade or Enter as a Dan Grade Osu
Throwdown, I hope I can answer correctly, as I am an Ashihara Karate fighter not Kyokushin fighter. Although I do honourably acknowledge the Kyokushin roots of Ashihara karate. The hand movement is a gesture of a finishing technique namely Gyaku Tzuki if I am guessing correctly as to which hand movement you mean. Osu
I taught one on Friday I seemed to get through everything so quickly. I have gained a few injuries from a 20 Man I did the night before so wasn't able to do what I really wanted to do. I asked one of my blackbelts to do the warm up. this was quicker than normal. and it was just the activities. I tried to work on bunkai of the Kata, for students to see what they could come up with and how close it is to that taught by the likes of my Sensei and Iain Abernathy. I had one of my younger students (who is only just old enough to join the Adult class) when will we be finishing cause it was going slow. I though I think I might rethink whether he has the maturity to be in the adult class or not after that. but that's the first time that this has happened and it was due to me being injured. Kids Class was different, it was time to finish before I knew it. strange feeling. This week is gonna be nothing but Basics, it'll take about an hour and a half to get through them Osu
Coming from various arts, I use which ever is available. I prefer the Shin, but do use the ball of the foot and the instep in various techniques. Appart from the 'basic' training I think it is personal choice - as to what works best for you
Lupus-San I am not a Kyokushin fighter but I am an Ashihara Fighter, this is a Offshot and uses similar techniques to the face etc, If you You Tube the Sabaki Challenge. Ashihara O Sensei was trained by Oyama O Sensei himself. The main diferences are the kata or Forms. Note there are many off-shots of Kyokushin and they can all be found on the Web I would add links but I don't think I am allowed to add them Osu
Veteran black belt joins new MA style - status?
Dobbersky replied to Takeda Shingen's topic in Karate
Sensei, Sempai, Kohai I am at a dilemma, My Tang Soo Do Instructor is now my Student in Ashihara Karate. I'd not seen him for many years apart from now and again through passing in the street. He has joined my Dojo, and was willing to start from the beginning. I insisted that he wear his black belt. I am grading him directly as a 1st Dan. I just feel strange talking to him as a student. I know Ashihara is different to Tang Soo Do but I just don't know. As I am a Kyu Grade in Wado Ryu and I am there to enjoy the training. But its the fact that He was my instructor. I thought that for him to wear any belt other than black would be dishonourable. Within the Ashihara UK syllabus, there are only 4 kata to practiced for 1st Dan (I am only grading him to 1st Dan and he will have to grade through the Dan Grades within his own timescale), I am teaching him these. Then we can work through the full syllabus in his own time through all the kata etc. I have also discussed this with my Sensei in Ashihara. He is of the understanding that a BB is a BB, He's told me he is happy for my Friend to adorn his BB although he will not be able to grade at the same grade as he was in Tang Soo Do, this in itself is a big step down. However He is able to grade to First Dan Directly. The one thing is Black and White belts tend to be worn by GKR representatives who are still lower grade Kyu grades so unsure what this would summise. Your thoughts please Osu -
Sensei, Sempai I appreciate your honesty, It takes a good 'friend' to give you honest advice for you to 'see' the way forward I understand, correct me if I'm wrong, I will forget what grade I am when I am training in Wado and just concentrate on the Karate Osu
Zanshin-sama Thank you for you kind words and guidance. My apologies for my post, it seems to have come out incorrectly. Regards grades, my main concern is sometimes my Wado Sensei asks me to take the warm up which I do without question. The only thing is I can tell some of the higher Kyu grades I feel resent (although this does seem a little too harsh) that they have not been asked. My Wado Sensei says I am welcome to wear my Blackbelt but I prefer to wear the coloured belts for that grade with a black band around one end. I do however every now and again wear my Blackbelt to class just to rekindle my level to the Kyu grades that haven't reached their Dan grade yet (mainly so they don't under estimate my level of skill in the realms of Sempai/Kohai and during Sparring). Although I do feel that respect and acceptance is reciprocated between the Dan Grades and from the Kyu Grades. My main belief in Karate is that Shodan is exactly what it states 'First Step' I am not a belt chaser although I have study many styles but this was trying to find the arts that suit me best. I have settled with the 2 I train with, these I will train in for life. One thing I can understand is that the belt doesn't make the KarateKa its the KarateKa that makes the belt. I've wanted to train at home with my white belt on to see if it does change colour to become black your thoughts on this please. Osu
Sensei, I would love to become an Uchi Dechi at a Wado Ryu Dojo. I long to learn the Senior Kata from Kushanku, Naifanchi, Chinto etc. Sometimes it is difficult being Shodan in Ashihara, with students of my own and to be a lower Kyu Grade in Wado (Green Belt). I have been advised in other styles (they are not Wado but are Japanese based styles) they would honour my grade and I would learn it through the years, but Wado Fills the Gap that I feel. Your thoughts on this one. But I think, well I need to earn my Blackbelt the way I earned it in Ashihara. Osu
Those "Idiots" and "Dummies" books are a lot better than they lead on....on all topics. I've read the Karate one and it is very informative. I agree this is an excellent book, although if you practice another style other than ShotoKan or Shotokai it is just another book for you library
I found another 2 good books The Way to Blackbelt The Way of Kata Both Written by Lawrence Kane and Kris Wilder Excellent reads
from the information you hve given me I see no reason why you should be worried about you fitness. just find a club and get started on your way to Judan Osu
Jay-san I would recommend purchasing a book called "the Way to Blackbelt" by Lawrence A.Kane and Kris Wilder , this will be a perfect 'Guide' for you journey. It's not Style specific and it doesn't show Kata forms etc but it will answer you questions that you may have during your journey. Regards fitness, if you need to get a medical from your Doctor and then begin training, If you think about it Fitness will come with time, For example you would be expected to run a Marathon today without the proper training, hence fitness is not an issue for someone starting Karate My advise is just enjoy everything you are taught and remember be humble as respect is earnt not a birthright. Keep us informed on how you are progressing Osu
Mtal-san Although I am a Blackbelt in Ashihara Karate, I am only a Green belt in Wado Ryu. I have studied many other styles though so I'll assist you as best as I can. I recommend finding some Wado Ryu books in the library to read on the subject too. From what I can see in Wado Ryu we tend to have more emphasis on Tai Sabaki on the techniques. Some of the techniques in the Kata has either changed or kept the same as the original. Wado Ryuka practice almost the same Kata, as in Shotokan, although names are different to some. Regards the 2 man techniques etc there is where the Jujitsu aspect comes in but I would say the true 'Jujitsu' is taught as senior Kyu grade and above level. Bunkai (application) also is an important part of Wado Ryu for most if not all kata, seeking all the 'hidden' techniques in each kata. From this you can actually see how much of a 'complete' art Karate is. I hope this helps Osu
I suppose you can also name them like this Classical Karate - the Okinawan styles - Goju Ryu Shuri-te etc Traditional Karate - the Japanese Styles - Wado Ryu, Shotokan and Kyokushin etc Freestyle (Olympic) Karate - those created in the last say 30 years not attached to any of the above in Syllabus or ethos Modern Karate - A hybrid of Classical and Traditional mixed with other styles - examples are Ashihara and Enshin Osu