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drunkenmonkey blackbelt

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Everything posted by drunkenmonkey blackbelt

  1. Well I was talking to my Sensie (who is a 3rd Dan Shotokan Instructer) said that she was only a purple belt in Akido style Karate and was wandering what how many styles are there what are they and what is their ranking in comparison to each other. So could any one explain this to me. Thanks.
  2. In class once (there is only 4 people in my class right now) but I Kiai really loud and kind of deep, and well no one else Kiai. That was kind of emberising but my Sensie was impressed so that kind of took some of the emberisment out of it. But that is what I'm most afrade of is Only I kiai and also if I do it wrong.
  3. Sorry to bother you guys with another wieght problem but I would greately appreciate any help you guys could give me. I'm about 6"3 and wiegh about 290 lbs. I usually work out by lifting wieghts and when I work out I really work out and some say I over do it. The thing is I hate lifting wieghts. Some times I take mild enjoyment out of it but that is when I'm angry or really pumped up. I would really like to lose some serious weight kind of fast. I would like get some alternate ways of loseing wieght out side of wieght lifting. I would really apprciate it. Thanks
  4. Thanks you guys I really appreciate you all. Another thing I wanted to address was fitness. I was also wandering if there were any ways to get more fit for Shotokan Karate (if there are ways to get more fit for Shotokan) Is there possibly a way to more modify my body for Shotokan? I have alot of muscle but I'm still big you know. Well I was wandering if there is a way to lose weight and modify my body to fit Shotokan. I hope you all understand what I'm saying. If someone could help me out with this I would really like that. Thanks.
  5. I'm a whitebelt in Shotokan Karate.
  6. Thanks anyway, but I found out today from my sensei. It's from Japan. Today was my first real karate lesson. She explains it to all of the new students. Yea it was fun. Good work out and we did'nt real even do much. It is really cool!
  7. Club: KKC Karate and Kickboxing Center Place: Russellville Arkansas Sensei: Mechelle Brown 3rd Dan We had Grand Master Dillon come to show us some cool stuff. Some of you may have heard of him.
  8. Hey. I look at these martial arts movies like old Bruce Lee movies and think wow he's was fast. I've always wanted to move quike but be very powerful. I was wandering if any one could give me some suggestions. I want to be able to deliver very fast and powerful punches and kicks. I hope some one could help me out.
  9. I 've always been into karate and basicaly all other martial arts (even though I only study karate) I'm a new student in the art of karate but I've always wandered What is it's nationality? Where does it come from? I've always thought it was from China. But I don't know. Could someone help me out on this? I would appreciate it.
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