I think the wait time is good. Otherwise, you would just have people buying rank. Use the time to learn, improve, and fine tune all of your skills. There should be noticable improvements between your dan gradings. For instance is your sidekick stronger? faster? steadier? anything about it show you have honed that skill? These are little things that time improves, and although you may seem like you are impatient and itching to show what you know, use the time wisely. When I took my 4th degree test, afterwards one of the visiting instructors said that all he looked for was the increased skill level between me and the people testing for 1st and 2nd. He said he saw it in the power and intensity I portrayed through the entire test. He said that during the free style self defense section, I was the only one who just reacted no matter what was thrown at me and that is what years of training does for you. So my advice to you is just keep training, don't worry about the time between gradings, just keep working to improve yourself.