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Everything posted by mooseman

  1. someone once asked me if a black belt has to register there hands as deadly weapons. Just to mess with him I said yes and threatened him,twas funny.
  2. I've recently decided to get back into shape,I'm overwieght and about to go back to school,so my question is this,whats the best training method to gain muscle mass and loss wieght simotaneously,I've heard the muscular strength training and high intensity interval traing make a great team,but I dont know.I'de also appreciate some specific excercises that couls target cardio and wieght traing at the same time,thank you for any help.
  3. thanks for the advice,I'll definetly incorporate some inclines.by the way,sorry about posting a very similar topic,yeah it was late and I wasn't think that I had previously posted a similar topic
  4. How good is in-line skating as a cardio workout.
  5. I am just wondering what the best way(speed,intensity,ect.)to do Kata is to gain the most cardiovascular benifits from it are.Any ideas,tips,information,or motivation is appreciated. Respectfully -Moose
  6. Ok,I'm just getting back into the MA and my cardiovascular health isnt what it used to be.I'm a big guy,and thanks to and old football injury,running for a prolonged period of time messes with my bad knee.Having said that,I'm an exceptional rollerblader,and the smoothness of the movement spares my knee.I was just wondering what the best ways to maximize my rollerblading cardio would be.Any idea's,tips,informatiom,or motivation is greatly appreciated. Respectfully -Moose
  7. If it hurts,just remember this quote"Pain is weakness leaving the body.
  8. ok,here's the thing,the more offten you were boots the more natural they are,at first they'll slow yoiu down,but after a while,you'll spped back up,so i'de opt for boot and just wear 'em alot.
  9. I live in central florida.I practice ronin goju.Tell me what county your in and I can probably find the closet goju school through some of my tournament buddies.
  10. personally,the bo is my favorite weapon,and is also probably the mostly likely to find in a real-world situation,mops,brooms,whatever,sticks are everywhere,so i think its an awesome weapon.
  11. call me paranoid,but i've custom sewn 2 pokets into every pair of pants I own,one in front of my right front pocket for a 6 inch bladed dagger,one behind the front pocket to accomidate a tonfa.a baggy shirt and the whole arsenal is hidden sitting or standing.
  12. well,since both are important it doesn't really matter.Depending on what you want to achieve you might want to forgoe one completely and focus only on the other,for example,if you want to loss some wieght and get in better shape,forget lifting and do cardio,if you want to bulk up and get stronger focus on lifting and dont worry about cardio all that much.
  13. Well,I took Ronin Goju,and loved it.The karate do goju ryu is probably very similar,it's probably an aggressive,mostly offensive style.It probably isn't to fancy,you wont be learning very decorative move's,but it's probably great for self-defence or kumite competiton's.I placed in a tournement with goju when i was like 12,now i'm 15,and a little wiser,so.... its probably a very straight forward,punch the opponent in the face style. good luck with whatever MA you chose and enjoy
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